Historical Figures

Dagobert II(652 - 679)

Son of Sigebert III and Emnechildis. Prior to Dagobert's birth, the mayor of the Grimoald Palace had had his own son, Childebert, adopted. On his death, the king entrusts his young son, Dagobert, to Grimoald. The mayor of the palace has him shaved and sent to a monastery in Ireland with his mother. He puts in his place his son Childebert, known as the Adopted. Faced with this situation, the Grands of Austrasia revolted. Delivered to the Neustrians, he will be put to death. Around 676, the Grands of Austrasia brought Dagobert II back from exile. This immediately provoked a war between him and Thierry III. Dagobert II was stabbed in 679.