History quiz

Exercises on the Wars of the Roses

question 1

The Wars of the Roses, a dynastic conflict that took place in England between 1455 and 1485, brought dynasties face to face:

a) Orange and Tudor

b) Plantagenet and Orleans

c) York and Lancaster

d) Windsor and Habsburg

c) Plantagenet and Windsor

question 2

An important conflict in English history that has a direct bearing on the Wars of the Roses was:

a) Crusades

b) Hundred Years' War

c) English Civil War

d) Anglo-Dutch War

e) Anglo-Spanish War

question 3

Why is England's dynastic conflict during the 15th century called the Wars of the Roses?

a) Because the Lancasters produced and sold flowers as a way to finance the purchase of weapons for their cause.

b) Because the rose was the symbol of the two houses that fought this conflict.

c) Because the trigger for the war was a murder, in which scenario the victim was left with a bouquet of roses.

d) Because the symbol of the Plantagenet house was a rose.

e) None of the above.

question 4

What was the event that ensured the end of the Wars of the Roses in 1485?

a) The Coronation of Henry Tudor

b) England's break with the Catholic Church promoted by Henry VIII

c) The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth

d) The execution of Mary of Scots

e) The appointment of Oliver Cromwell as ruler of the country

answers Question 1


The Yorks and Lancasters, both families descended from the Plantagenet dynasty, fought for the English throne throughout the second half of the 15th century. After this conflict, the Tudor dynasty was established, which contributed to the strengthening of the English monarchy in the following century.

Question 2


The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) is directly related to the War of the Roses, since the English defeat in the first conflict happened during the reign of Henry VI, heir to the Lancaster. To this end, the king was considered weak and incapable and began to be questioned by his subjects, especially by Richard of York, pivot of the beginning of the conflict.

Question 3


Both houses had the rose as symbols, although there are historians who question this today. The Lancasters are known for having a red rose as their symbol, and the Yorks for having the white rose.

Question 4


The coronation of Henry Tudor, which took place in 1485, is understood by historians as the event that ended three decades of war between Lancaster and York. Such an event began to receive support in the 1480s, and then Henry Tudor led the invasion of England and secured the throne for himself, inaugurating the Tudor dynasty. A descendant of Lancasters, the crown soon married a York, to reinforce his position.