Historical story

Our great-grandmothers started a moral revolution! The whole truth about pre-war Polish women

When the traditional division of roles was in force in Poland, they initiated a real revolution. They matched home duties with work. They were not afraid of the most modern trends and inventions. who have decided to bring to their homes. That's what our great-grandmothers were like.

Aleksandra Zaprutko-Janicka, author of the best-selling Occupation from the Kitchen , takes readers into times of shocking contrasts. Although men helped Poland regain independence, women ensured Poland's survival. When the purses were empty and the ladies from the gentry's palaces had fun at balls and banquets, celebrating the creation of the Second Polish Republic - the heroines whom the author voted for fought on a different front:everyday life.

Thanks to "Twenty Years from the Kitchen" by Aleksandra Zaprutko-Janiecka, you will learn about the female history of pre-war Poland. Buy 35% cheaper today. A cup for free!

Twenty years from the kitchen it is something more than a book about the culinary history of our country. It is also a collection of still up-to-date advice and proof that the history of pre-war Poland does not belong only to men.

The author writes not only about the incredible technical progress that changed the lives of the housewives forever, but also about the emancipation of Polish women who did not want to be told any longer that they should spend their entire lives with pots. It shows the remarkable resourcefulness, economy and entrepreneurship of our great-grandmothers. She reveals the secrets of the old gastronomy and explains how women combined professional work with taking care of the home and children.


The latest book by Ola Zaprutko-Janicka will hit the bookstores on October 11 WITH US YOU CAN ORDER YOUR COPY TODAY AND IT'S 35% CHEAPER . A cup for free.