Ancient history

Equipment of the Roman legionary

At the end of the 1st century AD, the basic infantryman wore a helmet of the Gallic imperial type and a segmented cuirass (loricas segmentata).
These armaments are coated with a silver film to prevent corrosion.

The Shield (scutum) semi-cylindrical in laminated wood is covered with leather. Inside the name of the legionnaire, the cohort and legion numbers were indicated. The shield is carried like a suitcase, which is easier for long walks. The heavy javelin (pilum) has a lead weight to give more force to the stroke. The offensive armament also includes a sword (gladius) and a dagger (pugio).

The equipment of the legionnaire of the Western Empire around 360 no longer has much to do with that of his ancestors. He wears a simplified helmet whose shell is made up of two welded caps. The cheek guards are attached to the bomb by a leather seam.
The oval wooden shield like the long sword (spatha) are inspired by the armament of the auxiliaries of the High Empire . Each unit has a particular emblem (epism).
The spear replaces the javelin. The legionnaire could carry leaded darts which, around 300, were stored inside the shield in the legion of the Herculeans. Braies in Gallic and German fashion reflect the barbarization of the army.

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