Ancient history

Jinnah's Pakistan vs Pakistan's Jinnah!

After the creation of Pakistan, Jinnah became reclusive and irritable. He had kept in his hands the biggest and the smallest authority of the nation. His military-secretary Colonel Burney wrote in his diary- 'Jinnah's condition had become like a child who had found the moon by some miracle and now he was not ready to leave it even for a moment. .

…… Therefore, the salary of the employees who came to Pakistan after fleeing from India was cut. Jinnah had to bear the humiliation which was a matter of shame for such a proud man.

…… After the creation of Pakistan, Jinnah's government chartered an airplane from the British Overseas Air Corporation, which was used to transport refugees. The government issued a check for the payment of the corporation which bounced. Because there was not that much amount in the account.'

In 1947, a week after the swearing-in of the new prime minister and cabinet, when people in Pakistan were celebrating the first Eid-ul-Fitr holiday after Ramadan, Jinnah overthrew the elected government of the North-West Frontier Province by referendum . The Chief Minister of the province, Dr. Khan had a substantial majority, but Jinnah got his party's government formed there.

When the government formed by Jinnah failed to get a vote of confidence in the provincial legislative assembly, Jinnah got all the dismissed members arrested and thus an artificial majority was created. , Nine months later Jinnah overthrew the government of Sindh province, which was his own party. After this Jinnah tried to overthrow the government of Punjab province in the palace.

Attempts by Jinnah to defame India Muhammad Ali Jinnah, once considered a messenger of Hindu-Muslim unity, devoted maximum energy of his life to attaining Pakistan. He was the only one, due to which Pakistan was formed, but when Pakistan was created, Jinnah accused India of not having friendly relations with Pakistan. Seven months after the creation of Pakistan, he told US Ambassador to Pakistan Paul Elling that he (Jinnah's) wish was to have the same cooperation between India and Pakistan as between the US and Canada.

Paul Elling, in his diplomatic telegram sent to Washington, wrote that Jinnah discussed Pakistan's military-level defensive partnership with India that had no fixed boundaries. It would have been a partnership similar to that between the United States and Canada, with a largely unguarded border between the two neighbors, shared military forces, free trade, and freedom to enter each other's territory through multiple routes. Would have.

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