Archaeological discoveries

The megaliths of Morbihan are UNESCO World Heritage sites

The project is led by Yves Coppens, as he explains in this video shot during the 6th Knowledge Cruise of Sciences et Avenir. The megaliths of Morbihan, on their way to Unesco.

MENHIRS. It has just been completed after having sailed in the Adriatic. The 6th Knowledge Cruise of Sciences et Avenir benefited from the participation of Marc Lachièze-Rey, astrophysicist, Jean-Paul Demoule, archaeologist, and Yves Coppens. The paleoanthropologist and professor at the College de France is the godfather of these trips where time at sea is devoted to scientific presentations. During one of them, Pr. Coppens spoke about what is one of his new "works":to return the megaliths of Morbihan to the world heritage of Unesco. "I have 100,000 tons of granite on my hands", laughs Lucy's father about these megaliths scattered in the south of Morbihan. In the video below, shot on the Costa Concordia, he talks about this difficult job which consists in particular in installing around the same table the mayors of 26 different municipalities and from various political backgrounds:a difficult undertaking...

The presentation of the Knowledge Cruises by Dominique Leglu

Animated report of the Knowledge Cruise by Olivier Lascar

Is China one of the cradles of humanity? The reaction of Yves Coppens

Should we fear a collapse of our civilization? Yves Coppens and Jean-Paul Demoule react

A brief account of the Neolithic period by Jean-Paul Demoule

Babylon, Kepler and Newton:A History of Astronomy by Marc Lachièze-Rey