Nephew of Napoleon I st , son of Louis Bonaparte, he was the first President of the French Republic, elected on December 10, 1848 by universal male suffrage with 74.2% of the vote, before becoming Emperor of the French from December 2, 1852 to September 4, 1870 under the name of Napoleon III.
He grew up in Switzerland worshiping the emperor and the return of the Bonaparte dynasty. From 1830, he was committed to the unification of the Italian kingdoms. His first attempts at a coup failed, but he took advantage of the aftermath of the French Revolution of 1848 to impose himself in politics. His coup of December 2, 1851 put an end to the Second Republic, and allowed him to lead the imperial restoration. He applied the political philosophy published in his Napoleonic Ideas and in The Extinction of Pauperism (1844), a mixture of romanticism, authoritarian liberalism, and utopian socialism. Under his reign, the industrial, economic and financial development is prosperous. The end of his regime was sealed at the end of the Battle of Sedan, on September 2, 1870, during the Franco-Prussian War. On September 4, 1870, the Republic was proclaimed. Napoleon III went into exile in England, where he died in January 1873.
1808 - 1873
