History quiz

Exercises on the Weimar Republic

question 1

(PUC-MG) The economic crisis and the political-social instability that dominated the German scenario during the Weimar Republic (1913-33) presented as an unfolding:

  1. the affirmation of traditional moral principles and the frugality of customs, preventing the adoption of an unruly and hedonistic lifestyle.
  2. the rise of the intermediate segments of society, benefiting from the speculative surge and rampant inflation.
  3. the increase in domestic investments, reducing the level of unemployment, notably in the early 1930s.
  4. the consolidation of the Social Democratic Party in power, favored by the chaos of the economy and the terms imposed by the Treaty of Versailles.
  5. the weakening of democratic institutions, paving the way for the spread of radical totalitarian ideologues.
question 2

The Weimar Republic was also marked by a series of coup attempts and revolutionary actions that aimed to put into practice the political projects of the groups that carried out these actions. Given this, indicate the incorrect alternative :

  1. Munich Putsch, 1923.
  2. German Revolution of 1918-1919, led by the Spartacist League.
  3. German October, 1923.
  4. Coup on Hindenburg, which made Hitler German Chancellor in 1933.
  5. Brewery Putsch, 1923.
question 3

(Unicamp-SP [adapted]) Read the excerpts from the texts below:

After World War I, the Weimar Republic had very limited control over the military and police forces necessary to maintain internal peace. In the end, the Republic fell as a result of this limitation, a fragility exploited by middle-class organizations, which felt that the parliamentary-republican regime discriminated against them and, thus, sought to destroy it.

ELIAS, Nobert. The Germans . Rio de Janeiro:Jorge Zahar, 1997. Adapted.

The demand for the annulment of the “imposed peace” by the Treaty of Versailles was, along with anti-Semitism, the most important point in Nazi propaganda during the Weimar Republic.

GAY, Peter. The culture of Weimar . Rio de Janeiro:Peace and Earth, 1978. Adapted.

Analyze the statements below and indicate the correct alternative.

I – One of the requirements imposed on the Germans in the Treaty of Versailles was the dismantling of their armed forces, and their army could not exceed 100,000 men.

II – The Nazi party took advantage of the economic and social chaos to ascend to power, pointing out solutions to unemployment, in actions supported by the alliance with Jewish capitalists.

III – The Weimar Republic consisted of the formation of a parliamentary political regime, with broad freedom of party participation. With this formation, the Nazi party was able to ascend to power in the early 1930s.

  1. All statements are correct.
  2. Only statements I and II are correct.
  3. Only statements I and III are correct.
  4. Neither statement is correct.
  5. Only statement I is correct.
question 4

In the first months of its existence, the Weimar Republic repressed a strong revolutionary process led mainly by the communists of the Spartacist League, in 1919. The main leadership of the communists was executed by the government as a way to contain the revolutionary process. Indicate the alternative that contains the name of the communist leadership and the party that ordered the execution:

  1. Rosa Luxemburg, German Communist Party.
  2. Friedrich Ebert, National Socialist Party.
  3. Karl Liebknecht, National Socialist Party.
  4. Rosa Luxemburg, Social Democratic Party.
answers Question 1

Letter E . The main result of the economic and social problems during the Weimar Republic was the emergence of Nazism as a possible solution.

question 2

Letter D . Hitler was actually appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg and did not stage a coup for it.

question 3

Letter C . In fact the Nazis came to blame the Jewish capitalists for the ruin of Germany, which in part explains their anti-Semitism.

question 4

Letter D