A. A revolting movement developed between rival political factions found in the government of Rio Grande do Sul, which ended up also reaching the states of Santa Catarina and Paraná.
B. This is how the movement of rebellion promoted by sailors against the government of Marshal Floriano Peixoto became known.
C. This is how the protest of sailors from the battleships Minas Gerais and São Paulo became known. They protested their hard work routine, low wages and physical punishment to which low-ranking members were subjected whenever they did not comply with an established order.
D. Known as one of the first manifestations of the tenentista movement, it was one of the most significant demonstrations of the crisis of oligarchic hegemony in the Old Republic.
E. Revolt in which blacks and Indians rose up against the political elite and took power in Pará (Brazil). Among the causes of the revolt is the extreme poverty of the populations.
Question 02 - Regarding the Revolta da Chibata, mark the incorrect alternative:
A) It was a social uprising, carried out in subdivisions of the Navy, based in Rio de Janeiro.
B) The objective was to put an end to the physical punishments to which sailors were subjected, such as whipping, the use of the saint-luzia and imprisonment in isolation cells.
C) It was a popular revolt that took place in the city of São Paulo between 1879 and 1901.
D) It occurred during the government of Hermes da Fonseca.
Question 03 - IFS 2013.1 - Entrance Exam - At the end of the 19th century, Brazil underwent rapid social and political changes. Regarding the social movements that took place during the Old Republic, choose the incorrect alternative.
a) The project to modernize the federal capital imposed the destruction of tenements and mandatory vaccination under strong police repression, generating great popular dissatisfaction, culminating in 1904 in the Vaccine Revolt.
b) The Whip Revolt was a movement led by young army officers, who demanded political rights, the secret vote and an end to corruption.
c) The Canudos War took place in the interior of Bahia and was the expression of the conflicts of a society marked by the power of the large estates and the total abandonment in which the most humble populations found themselves.
d) The general strike of 1917 proposed the self-organization of workers in their unions to face the bosses and the State.
e) The Contestado Movement had as one of the main causes the fact that the sertanejos were expelled from their lands by the railroad built in the region.
Question 04 - INEP - 2010 - ENEM - PPL -
The master of the seas
Long ago in the waters of Guanabara
The sea dragon reappeared
In the figure of a brave sailor
The whom history has not forgotten
Known as the black admiral
He had the dignity of a master of the house
And as he sailed the sea with his block of frigates
He was greeted at the port by the young ladies French girls
Young Poles and mulatto battalions
Red waterfalls poured down the backs
of the blacks through the ends of their whips...
BLANC, A.; BOSCO, J. The master of the seas. Available at:www.usinadeletras.com.br. Accessed on:19 Jan. 2009
In Brazilian history, the so-called Revolta da Chibata, led by João Cândido, and described in music, was
a) the slave rebellion against physical punishment, which took place in Bahia, in 1848, and was repeated in Rio de Janeiro.
b) the revolt, in the port of Salvador, in 1860, by sailors from the ships involved in the slave trade.
c) the protest, which took place in the Army, in 1865, against the punishment of lashings on deserting soldiers in the Paraguayan War.
d) the rebellion of sailors, blacks and mulattos, in 1910, against punishment and working conditions in the Navy.
e) the protest against the increase in the cost of living in Rio de Janeiro, in 1917, dissolved, with lashes, by the police.
Question 05 - IBMEC 2006 - The Brazil republic had its beginning marked by movements that showed different dissatisfactions regarding the treatment given to Brazilian citizens. In 1910, a group of sailors stood up to the government of Marshal Hermes da Fonseca, demanding an end to physical punishment and other humiliating practices in the Brazilian Navy. This movement became known as:a) the 18 of the Copacabana Fort, and was supported by the tenentist group.
b) the Armada Revolt, which took place on the coast of Florianópolis.
c) the Prestes column, which circulated throughout Brazil led by Luis Carlos Prestes.
d) the Revolt of the Chibata, led by the black sailor João Cândido.
e) The Revolt of Praia Vermelha, and had the support of the cadets of the Military School .
Question 06 - UNIFOR 2010.1 - On the night of November 22, 1910, Marshal Hermes da Fonseca completed his first week as President of the Republic. On this day, in Rio de Janeiro, then capital of Brazil, sailors from the Brazilian Navy led a movement that advocated, among other things, the end of physical punishment applied to Navy graduates. It can be inferred that it is the
(A) Revolt of the Whip;
(B) Revolt of the Navy;
(C) Revolt of the Armed Forces;
(D) Revolt of the Vaccine;
(E) Constitutionalist Revolution.
Question 07 - Between November 22 and 27, 1910, sailors from Brazil participated in a movement that demanded the elimination of physical punishment, an increase in pay, improvements in food and working conditions. This movement was called
a) Armada Revolt.
b) Canudos Revolt.
c) Lieutenant Revolution.
d) Lash Revolt.
Question 08 - VUNESP - 2013 - FUNDUNESP - Historiographer - The Whip Revolt took place during the government of President _______________. Uprising of __________, reached subdivisions of the Navy. Its purpose was to put an end to the __________ to which sailors were subjected. Mark the alternative that correctly and respectively completes the gaps in the text.
(A) Rodrigues Alves… economic… layoffs
(B) Hermes da Fonseca… military… prisons
(C) Floriano Peixoto… military… physical punishments
(D) Hermes da Fonseca… social… physical punishments
(E) Rodrigues Alves… social… prisons
Question 09 - BADE - 2017 - SEE -PB -

In 1910, Admiral Negro João Cândido shook the structures of the Brazilian Navy when, together with other sailors, he took the ships and pointed the cannons towards Rio de Janeiro demanding an end to the mistreatment in the Navy.
This social movement was the:
a) Revolt of the Lash.
b) Uprising of the Quilombolas.
c) Uprising of the Battleships
d ) Revolt of the Navy.
e) Revolt of the Squadron
Question 10 - AgiRH - 2018 - City Hall of São José do Barreiro - SP - Teacher - Basic Education II - History
About the Chibata revolt, mark the incorrect alternative:
a) The Chibata Revolt was an important social movement that took place in the early 20th century in the city of Salvador. It started on November 22, 1910.
b) During this period, Brazilian sailors were punished with physical punishment. Serious fouls were punished with 25 lashes (lashes). This situation generated an intense revolt among the sailors.
c) The trigger for the revolt occurred when the sailor Marcelino Rodrigues was punished with 250 lashes, for having wounded a Navy colleague, inside the battleship Minas Gerais.
d) The leader of the revolt, João Cândido (known as the Black Admiral), wrote the letter demanding an end to physical punishment, improvements in food and amnesty for all who participated in the revolt.
Question 11 - ENEM 2018 - 1st day - Their leaders ended up arrested and murdered. The rebel “marujada” was entirely expelled from the fleet. In a historical sense, however, they were victorious. The “whip” and other infamous physical punishments were never officially used again; from then on, the sailors — now respected — would have their living conditions significantly improved. Undoubtedly, they advanced History.
MAESTRI, M. 1910:The sailors' revolt – a dark saga.São Paulo:Global, 1982.The outbreak of this conflict was the result of the tension accumulated in the Brazilian Navy by the ) engagement of illiterate civilians after the emergence of external wars.
b) dissatisfaction of the positivist military after the consolidation of the governors' policy.
c) demotion of veteran commanders after the repression of millenarian insurrections.
d) uprising of the popular rural classes after the institution of compulsory enlistment.
e) maintenance of the slave mentality of the officialdom after the fall of the imperial regime.
Question 12 - MACKENZIE - "At a time when the Navy is reforming and trying to assimilate modern techniques, its human element and its disciplinary mechanism are still regulated by codes from the 18th and 19th centuries. Mistreatment is added to the frequency of corporal punishment. harsh and excessive."
(Edgard Carone - "The Old Republic") The text above concerns:a) the Armada Revolt of Admiral Custódio de Melo, which overthrew Deodoro da Fonseca.
b) expedition heading to Bahia to fight Canudos.
c) the modernization of the Navy by Admiral Cochrane and elimination of mistreatment.
d) labor complaints and better working conditions for Navy officers.
e) the sailors' rebellion called "Revolta da Chibata", commanded by the "Black Admiral", João Cândido.
Question 13 - UFPel 2006 -
Text 1
![]() |
João Cândido is the marked sailor. |
Text 2 “Panic was already widespread. In just one day, there were 12 special trains to Petrópolis taking 3,000 people. [...] The garrison of the revolted ships ordered the Fortresses of Santa Cruz, Laje and São João not to fire on the warships, under penalty of the forts being razed to the ground. [...] Night fell and the city met a new lord, João Cândido, a simple sailor.”
MOREL, Edmar. [...]. Rio de Janeiro:Graal, 1979.
Text 3 “A long time ago, In the waters of Guanabara, The Dragon of the Sea reappeared, In the figure of a brave sorcerer Whom History has not forgotten . Known as the Black Navigator, He had the dignity of a master-of-room And, as he waved across the sea, in the joy of regattas, He was greeted in the harbor By French young Polish girls and by battalions of mulattas”. The lyrics “O Mestre Sala dos Mares” was composed in 1975 by JoãoBosco and Aldir Blanc, and due to censorship, it was replaced in the original text “bravo sailor” and “Almirante Negro” by “bravo feiticeiro” and “Navegante Negro”. The documents presented refer to the (a) Revolt of the Armada in the Republic of the Sword, however the alteration in the poem was determined by the Medici government. (b) Revolta da Chibata in the Old Republic, while the censorship of the song took place in the Military Dictatorship. (c) Revolt of the “Dezoito do Forte de Copacabana” in the Republic of “Café-com-Leite”, while the restriction on the lyrics of the song was determined by the Department of Press and Propaganda, in the Vargas government. (d) Praieira Revolution in the Second Reign, however the change in the poem occurred during the Geisel government. (e) Federalist Revolution in the First Republic, but the replacement of the original terms of music took place during the post-Military Dictatorship “opening”. (f) I.R.
Question 14 - Souza Marques 2000 - "Popular denomination given to the revolt that took place in 1910, having as main protagonists the sailors of two of the largest ships of the Brazilian fleet, the Bahia and the Minas Gerais. popular segments that have long been opposed to compulsory military recruitment. Political tensions would inevitably have to reach the military, especially with regard to the relationship between commanders and subordinates."
(Antonio Carlos do Amaral Azevedo. Dictionary of historical names, terms and concepts. Rio de Janeiro, Nova Fronteira, 1997.) The above definition refers to:(A) Federalist Revolution.
(B) Armada Revolt.
(C) Revolt of the Vaccine.
(D) Contestado War.
(E) Revolt of the Lash.
Question 15 - UFC 2005 - The history of Brazil in the first decades of the 20th century was marked by several popular social movements, among them the Revolta da Chibata, which took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1910, an uprising by the sailors of the battleships Minas Gerais and São Paulo. On this movement, mark the correct alternative. A) The rebels were arrested and, in prison, they organized a new rebellion, being massacred by the Army and the Navy. B) The movement had a strong anarcho-syndicalist influence, advocating the end of the arbitrariness to which the sailors were subjected. C) The Federal Government accepted the demands presented by the movement, and the rebels were given amnesty, thus concluding the uprising. D) The causes of this movement were the corporal punishment suffered by the sailors and the system of promotions with which the mestizos were benefited. E) The black sailor João Cândido was considered the only one responsible for the movement, having been tried and sentenced to death, as an exemplary punishment.
Question 16 - URCA/2022.1 - Read the lyrics of the song:"[...] red waterfalls gushed from the backs of the blacks Between chants and whips flooding the hearts Of the people in the basement who, like the sailor, shouted:No! [...] Glory to all the fights Inglourious That throughout our history We never forget! Save the black navigator Who has as a monument The trodden stones of the pier..." (In:Elis Regina, Mestre Sala dos Mares. Music by João Bosco and Aldir Blanc.CD Elis ao Vivo , Velas, 1985) In November 1910, the movement of sailors led by João Cândido Felisberto took place, known as Revolta da Chibata. Among the causes and claims of the rebels, the alternative is correct:A) Political autonomy for the State of São Paulo, creation of a new constitution for Brazil. B) End of corporal punishment of Navy soldiers, increase in pay, improvement of working conditions. C) Defense of the secret ballot and women's suffrage. D) Guarantee of property rights to landowners, implementation of the census vote. E) More power for the Navy officers over the enlisted men, the return of the monarchic regime.
01 - C
02 - C
03 - B
04 - D
05 - D
06 - A
07 - D
08 - D
09 - A
10 - A
11 - E
12 - E
13 - B
14 - E15 - A16 - Ç