In the aftermath of the Second World War on the European continent, the Battle of Berlin marks the great culmination in the fall of the Third Reich. For the Soviet Union, the fall, after four years of hard fighting, of the capital of Adolf Hitler, marked the end of a long and very hard war of survival.
Berlin would be after the war a great symbol of Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. As such, the East German regime, in conjunction with the Soviet, hoped to build memorials and museums to mark that great military milestone.
One of the least known within the German capital is the Liberation House, or Haus der Befreiung in German. According to Soviet propaganda, this would be the first house in Berlin to be liberated by Red Army soldiers on April 21, 1945, the date on which they finally set foot in the city.
Today the house has been preserved as a symbol of the Battle of Berlin. After an intense renovation in 2021, it is once again open to visits.

How to get to the Liberation House
The House of Liberation is located a bit out of the center of Berlin. However, it is easy to get there by public transport. To get there, we can go to the Brodowiner Ring stop. with the tram lines M5, M6 or M8, which depart from Alexanderplatz.