In Ancient Egypt, when a child died, his favorite fairy tale accompanied him to the afterlife
fables in Ancient Egypt were told ?
The answer is yes.
To tell us unequivocally are their burials.
We all know how well the cult of the dead is was deeply rooted in Egyptian culture ( see also :https://www.pilloledistoria.it/9539/storia-antica/cosi-mangiavano-gli-egiziani).
Their tombs, fortunately for posterity, tell of lives, events and customs like few other finds in the world can.
Strongly convinced that after death one would continue to live in another world but essentially as before, the Egyptians arranged around the deceased the objects most dear to him so that he could also take them with him "to the other side".
Thanks to this custom, not only have an infinite number of artifacts been preserved for millennia, often intact or almost, but it is as if their everyday life has come down to us equally intact.
This is how, among other things, we are aware of fairy tales in Ancient Egypt.
When a child in fact, next to his body, among his favorite objects and considered indispensable in the afterlife, there was also a papyrus with the story he loved most.
This means that even then, fairy tales were part of the educational path of the little ones.
In short, even the Egyptians told imaginative stories to their children.
A habit that has existed since the dawn of time and never goes out of fashion ( Photo from :siciliareport).