3D reproduction of the mysterious cavity recently discovered inside the pyramid of Cheops
Thousands of years after their construction, the pyramids of Egypt they haven't stopped unraveling their mysteries yet and who knows if they ever will.
The latest discovery it concerns the largest of the pyramids of Giza , that of Cheops, in which a new room has been found about 30 meters long; perhaps, more than a single cavity, it is a set of structures whose function, however, is not yet known and we are trying to understand.
To report on Nature were the researchers of the international project ScanPyramids , which for about two years has been studying in depth the heart of the Cheops pyramid using a new and not at all invasive technique based on particle physics.
This particular technique is called muography and allows you to follow the path of the subatomic particles, the muons precisely, which arise from the interaction of cosmic rays from space with the atmosphere of our planet.
The characteristic of muons to follow different trajectories depending on whether they move in the air or cross stones, means that they are able to reveal the presence of cavities, a circumstance that had already occurred last year before the one just mentioned. , when a corridor was located inside the Pyramid of Cheops near the north wall.