The chicken recipe suggested in the post is taken from the 19th century manual by Pellegrino Artusi
After some time I go back to writing post concerning the cuisine of the past , a topic that on Pills of History always has great success.
The following is the recipe to prepare chicken in egg sauce as suggested by Pellegrino Artusi , the greatest Italian gastronome of the 19th century.
I quote from his famous manual:
“Break up a young chicken and put it in a trowel with 50 grams of butter. Season it with salt and pepper. When it has browned a little, sprinkle a pinch of flour over it to make it brown and then cook it with the broth. Remove it dry on a tray, keeping it warm and pour an egg yolk into the sauce that remains, blended with the sour of half a lemon, to form the sauce. Stir it a little over the fire, pour it over the chicken and serve it ”.
Easy, right? .