History quiz

Exercises on Phases of the First World War

question 1

(Mackenzie) Regarding US involvement. in the First World War it is INCORRECT state that:

a) was influenced by the Germanic intention to attract Mexico, promising it help in the reconquest of territories lost to the USA.

b) the USA. they directly financed the Franco-British arms industry and sent a large contingent of soldiers to the front.

c) a possible defeat of France and England would jeopardize US investments in Europe.

d) contrary to Congress, the president of the USA. broke neutrality, declaring war on Axis forces.

e) the accession of the USA. unbalanced the fighting forces, giving a new lease of life to the Entente.

question 2

One ​​of the phases of the First World War, which lasted from 1914 to 1918, was characterized by the so-called “war of position”. This type of warfare began to be used regularly from 1916 onwards and its strategy was:

a) dig trenches and store in them the positions conquered during battles.

b) use tanks and drones to block the advance of enemy troops.

c) use long-range guided missiles to hit enemy targets, without having to mobilize troops.

d) use stun bombs to paralyze the action of enemy troops.

e) use only grenades and mortars on the battlefield.

question 3


"In 1916, in the midst of the war, Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968) produced the work Wheel of bicycle. to walk, not even the bench was good to sit on. Something apparently irrational, illogical, many would say (...). More than another way of producing art, Duchamp was proposing another way of seeing art, of looking at the world . (...) After his Bicycle Wheel, the world of the arts would no longer be the same. After the First World War, the world would no longer be the same." (Flávio de Campos and Renan G. Miranda, "World War I).

According to the text above, the First World War (1914-1918):

a) strengthened the belief of men of the time in the ability to build a better society through technological rationality.

b) consolidated European cultural hegemony in the Western world, disregarding other artistic manifestations.

c) enabled the emergence of new artistic avant-gardes, concerned with defending classical European academic models.

d) highlighted the crisis of European culture, based on rationalism and the Enlightenment fascination with technology and progress.

e) manifested the cultural decadence in which the western world found itself in the second half of the 19th century.

question 4

Traditionally, the entry of the US and the exit of Russia in the First World War are considered the main events of the so-called “second phase”. Among the events of the “third phase” of the Great War are:

a) the invasion of US territory by the forces of the Triple Alliance.

b) the abdication of the throne by William II.

c) the German victory over British and US troops.

d) Adolf Hitler's suicide.

e) the bombing of the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in Japan.

answers Question 1

Letter D

In the First World War, there were no “Axis Forces”, that is, “Rome-Berlin-Tokyo”. These “forces” only formed in World War II. Furthermore, the US President did not enter World War I without Congressional consent.

Question 2

Letter A

The so-called “Position War” was characterized by the use of trenches as a strategy to maintain conquered zones or under threat of enemy attack. For this reason, World War I became known as “trench warfare.”

Question 3

Letter D

The First World War can be considered, in all its development, as an immense European civil war. The destruction and carnage caused by it put in check the aspirations of the civilization of social and industrial progress that characterized the end of the 19th century.

Question 4

Letter B

The population of Germany, faced with the enormous military and social wear and tear and economic ruin of the country, pressured Emperor Wilhelm II to abandon the throne of the II Reich, a fact that led the war to its definitive end. .