History quiz

Marshall Plan Exercises - With Answers

Question 01 - UTFPR 2007 - Summer - The Cold War had its starting point in 1947, when the Americans decided to go on the offensive against the Soviets, in a policy that became known as “containment”. The first major measure was the beginning of heavy US investments in the arms race and the second was the implementation of a program of economic aid and national reconstruction to European countries devastated by the Second World War.
This is(a) ):
A) “Big Stick” Doctrine.
B) North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
C) Alliance for Progress.
D) Anti-Comintern Pact of Reciprocal Assistance.
E) Marshall Plan.

Question 02 - FUVEST 2003 - Transfer – The Marshall Plan had as its objective
a) the economic uplift of Europe, after the Second World War;
b) the partition of Africa between European States, in the mid-nineteenth century;
c) the economic embargo against the socialist government of Cuba;
d) the recovery of the American economy after the 1929 crisis;
e) the conquest of the oil zones of the Middle East by the Allies in World War II.
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Question 03 - COLTEC – UFMG 2018 - Read this quote to answer the question. “(...) in March 1947, Truman declared to the United States Congress that Washington was committed to containing the ‘communist advance’ in all parts of the planet. As part of this strategy, the United States financed (...) a plan formulated in June 1947 by then Secretary of State George Marshall.”
ARBEX Jr., José. Cold War:Terrorist State. São Paulo:Moderna, 2005, p. 30-1.
One of the goals of the United States with the Marshall Plan
A) to help in the reconstruction of western European countries, in order to prevent the expansion of Soviet socialism.
B) support Latin American countries to stop socialist expansion coming from Cuba.
C) oppose the economic bloc sponsored by the USSR, COMECON.
D) indemnify Japan for the effects of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Question 04 - UVA 2013.1 - CE - “It is logical that the US should do what it can to help promote the return to normal economic power in the world, without which there can be no political stability or guarantee of peace”. (Marshall Plan 05-VI-1947) As for the Marshall Plan, created in 1947 by the United States, it can be said that:
a) it was an instrument used by the United States that, among other things, aimed at recovering of European countries.
b) sought to accelerate the process of rapprochement with the Soviet Union.
c) helped Czechoslovakia, led by Marshal Tito, and, thus, that country began to adopt a position known by the name of “Non-Alignment”.
d) was an instrument that did not contain the concern of delineating goals that hindered the communist advance in Western Europe after the Second World War.

Question 05 - PUCRS 2000.1 - After the end of the Second World War, the US government launched the Marshall Plan, which constituted a fundamental strategic maneuver within the Cold War. This plan aimed to
A) guarantee, to the Americans, the end of hostilities between South Vietnam and North Vietnam.
B) obtain the victory, in the Senate, of the Republicans, who defended the return of North American isolationism in relation to the wars in Europe.
C) to ensure the free penetration of North American capital in the European continent and in the countries of Eastern Europe.
D) to spread a political doctrine -ideological that warned about the danger of McCarthyism in the 1950s, in the United States.
E) establish “peaceful coexistence” between the United States and Eastern European countries, through the investment policy in the Soviet bloc.

Question 06 - UERR 2016.1 - Truman presided over the United States of America (USA) between 1945 and 1953. During his government, the National Security Doctrine was created, a geopolitical strategy to ensure the capitalist model and curb the advance of communism in the world. Mark the alternative that corresponds to the political agreement made by some European countries to prevent the communist advance.
A) Marshall Plan.
B) First Pan American Conference.
C) Bryan-Chamorro Treaty .
D) Washington Agreement.
E) The Hague Conference.

Question 07 - TJ-SC - 2011 - TJ-SC - Auxiliary Judiciary Technician - Secretariat
The financial aid program for the reconstruction of European countries devastated during the Second World War, proposed by the USA and which aimed to stop the socialist expansion and also reinforce its influence over them, became known as:
a) Marshall
b) Congress of Vienna
d) Cold War
e) Civil War

01 - E
02 - A
03 - A
04 - A
05 - C
06 - A
07 - A