History quiz

History Exercises on Fascism - With Answers

Question 01 - UNICAMP 2021 - It can be said that Italian fascism was the first right-wing dictatorship that dominated a European country:it was a collage of diverse political and philosophical ideas. Is it possible to conceive of a totalitarian movement that manages to combine monarchy and revolution, a royal army and Mussolini's personal militia, the privileges granted to the Church and a state education that exalted violence and the free market? (Adapted from Umberto Eco, “O Fascismo Eterno”, in Cinco Escritos Morais. Rio de Janeiro:Record, 2010, p. 29-38.)
From a reading of the text by the Italian writer Umberto Eco (1932- 2016), it is correct to say that Italian fascism a) was marked by the policy of European integration, elimination of national borders and state-regulated production. b) resulted from the combination of initially incompatible political-philosophical ideas, using violence as a political instrument. c) it was a right-wing dictatorship that served as a model for countries like Spain, Portugal, Brazil and the United States. d) had as its center the figure of Mussolini, a charismatic man who assumed the role of religious and political leader.
Question 02 - UVA 2013/1 - "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nobody outside the State (...). The State (...) must be the zealous guardian, the defender and the propagator of the national tradition, of the national feeling, of the will (Benito Mussolini) The basic ideological principle of the political regimes that emerged in Italy and Germany, in the period between the two world wars, was based on:A) political support for both proletarian internationalism and financial internationalism. B) the belief in the principle that individual freedom is the main aim of industrial-technological society. C) the affirmation of nationalism and the denial of the values ​​of parliamentary democracy of the liberal State. D) respect for the existence of different currents of thought, expressed in the participation of numerous parties in the conduct of national problems.
Question 03 - URCA 2019/1 - “Of all the unanswered questions about our time, perhaps the most important is:'What is fascism?' One of the American research organizations recently asked 100 different people a question and got answers ranging from 'pure democracy' to 'pure demonism'. In this country, if a moderately enlightened person is asked to define fascism, he will usually respond by pointing to the German and Italian regimes. But this is very unsatisfactory, because even the great fascist states differ to a large extent from each other in structure and ideology” (Revista Piauí, n. 127, April, p. 28) Considering the text above and its knowledge on the subject treated, mark the correct alternative:a) Considering the specificities of Germany and Japan during the Second World War, we can easily say that they were equally fascist countries; b) Fascism is inherently bellicose, it only thrives in an environment of war hysteria and can only solve its economic problems through wars or conquests abroad, as happened in Portugal and several dictatorships in Latin America in the 20th century; c) The English Conservative Party is a classic example of fascist grouping, which is explained by its practices in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in its colonies in Africa and Asia; d) Socialism and fascism are the same thing, as evidenced by collaborationism between socialists, communists, British labor anarchists and Nazis in the countries occupied by Germany between 1939 and 1945; e) Often the word 'fascism' is almost always meaningless, but it is obvious that, from an economic and political point of view, there are differences between fascist and democratic regimes.
Question 04 - UFVJM 2017/2 - Fascism was a political doctrine that initially developed in different European countries. Italian Fascism led by Benito Mussolini, German Nazism during the political administration of Adolf Hitler and Francoism, led by Francisco Franco in Spain, are examples of fascist political regimes. A common characteristic of the fascist doctrine is:a) exacerbated valorization of national symbols and the defense of nationalism. b) defense of a multicultural world view and non-hierarchization between “races”. c) maintenance of ties of solidarity with proposals for communist political action. d) belief in the expansion of economic freedom and in the non-intervention of the State in the economy.
Question 05 - IFBA 2018 - We can historically characterize interwar fascism as:a) A movement that aims at the insertion of a country autonomously and independently in the capitalist world market, putting the motherland first for a better distribution of jobs and positions for all its citizens. b) Personalization of the leader, the father of the nation, as opposed to democratic multipartyism; belligerent nationalism, its main voters were in the lower middle and middle classes, frustrated by the crises of the liberal parliamentary and economic liberal model; anti-communism, responsible for the division of the nation through class struggles and internationalism; xenophobia and racism, caused by historical resentments ranging from the loss of wars and territories to religious and linguistic differences. c) A movement that has historical origins in the political tradition of the internationalist left, so it would be statist and contrary to economic liberalism. The red color of the flag of the National Socialist Party was inspired by the Russian Revolution, which adopted the red colors when it transformed from Russia to the USSR. d) A good part of its leaders had origins in communism or socialism. The policy was aimed at the masses, revealing its democratic character and in favor of the working poor. Over time, they began to diverge from the Communists on account of nationalism. For them, the revolution had to be national, while the communists defended internationalism. It was in this way that xenophobia grew among fascists, as they feared that internationalism would cause their workers to lose jobs. e) Fascism was a response to the US imperialist rise after the 1st World War.
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