History quiz

History Exercises on the Platt Amendment - With Answers

Question 01 - FGV-SP 2005 - The Platt Amendment, defined by the US Congress in 1901, established:a) Non-interference by the United States in the internal affairs of the Caribbean Republics. b) The incorporation of Cuba as one of the components of the North American federation. c) The right of US political-military intervention in Cuba. d) The end of slavery and the adoption of the principle of human rights in Cuba. e) Cuba's independence and Spain's relinquishment of control of its former colony.
Question 02 - FGV-SP 2013 - Cuba began its independent political life with an absolutely orthodox party organization:a liberal party and a conservative party. In reality, things were more complicated, since in the Liberal Party almost all those who had waged the war of independence had aligned themselves, while in the Conservative Party the interests of all those who remained in favor of Spanish rule had converged. Furthermore, the United States – the island's liberators and conquerors – continued to maintain its tutelage and did everything to prevent the victory of the liberals, whose virtues and defects they feared alike. (Halperin Donghi, History of Latin America) The US tutelage is proven a) by the requirement of the United States that the convertibility of the Cuban currency would always be pegged to the dollar. b) the economic agreements between Cuba and the United States that restricted the exploitation of sugar to US companies only. c) the imposition of the Platt Amendment to the Cuban Constitution, which guaranteed the United States the right to intervene in the neighboring country. d) the Cuban government's agreement that its navy be commanded by the United States Admiralty. e) by the constitutional precept that demanded a high degree of nationalization of the Cuban economy, especially in the industrial sector.
Question 03 - UNICAMP 2001 - With the end of the Spanish-American War, the condition of the American military withdrawal from Cuba was the approval of the Platt Amendment, an amendment to the Cuban Constitution that determined Cuban-American relations from 1901 to 1934. a) What was the content of the Platt Amendment? b) What was the North American policy towards Latin America that was evidenced in the Platt Amendment? c) How did the Cuban Revolution of 1959 challenge the post-war US policy towards Latin America?
Question 04 - UNIMONTES 2013/1 - The Platt Amendment, of 1901, required as a condition for the United States to recognize Cuba's independence:A) The organization of Cuban customs under the direct intervention of the US Customs and Border Protection Service. B) American intervention in Cuba's internal affairs and the establishment of US military bases on the island. C) The collection, from the US coffers, of part of the income from sugar production for about twenty-five years. D) The supply of weapons and other supplies to the Cuban army by the American government for a period of ninety-nine years.
REPORTS 01 - C02 - C
03 - a) It assured the United States the right to intervene in Cuba to guarantee US interests in the country. b) “Big Stick” policy, which represented US imperialism in that period. c) The Cuban Revolution broke with the system of political-economic domination of the United States and implanted a socialist structure, moving into an orbit of Soviet influence.
04 - B