History quiz

History Exercises on the AI-5 - With Answers

Question 01 - UNITAU 2018 - In the header of Jornal do Brasil, on December 14, 1968, it was written:“Tempo negro. Stifling temperature. The air is unbreathable. The country is being swept by strong winds. Max:38º in Brasília, Min:5º, in Laranjeiras”. What fact does this text refer to? a) Approval of Institutional Act No. 5, which drastically limited freedom of expression and instituted measures that increased repression of opponents of the military government. b) Approval of Institutional Act nº 2, approved by the National Congress, which increased the fear of communist danger. c) Approval of the Federal Censorship Law, Institutional Act nº 1, which prohibited films, plays, books, music, but which did not reach the newspaper and, therefore, the criticism was published on the front page. d) Approval of institutional acts, which had great support from the country's political classes, expanding various individual guarantees and granting broad powers to the President of the Republic. e) Approval of bipartisanship, through Institutional Act nº 1, which eliminated all forms of institutional opposition to the military regime.
Question 02 - UFMS 2018 - After the political events of 1968 in Brazil, such as the “March of the 100 thousand”, in Rio de Janeiro, and several other protests by students and workers against the military dictatorship, the Brazilian government enacts Institutional Act nº 5 (AI -5). Mark the alternative that brings together the main points of the AI-5:a) Closing of the National Congress; constitutional freedom of expression for music, film, theater and television; press censorship; prohibition of political meetings not authorized by the police. b) Autonomy of the National Congress; prior censorship of music, film, theater and television; press censorship; prohibition of political meetings not authorized by the police. c) Closing of the National Congress; prior censorship of music, film, theater and television; freedom of the press; prohibition of political meetings not authorized by the police. d) Autonomy of the National Congress; prior censorship of music, film, theater and television; press censorship; release political meetings without police authorization. e) Closing of the National Congress; prior censorship of music, film, theater and television; press censorship; prohibition of political meetings not authorized by the police.
Question 03 - ENEM PPL 2010 - Institutional Act No. 5 of December 13, 1968 Art. 10 – The guarantee of habeas corpus is suspended, in cases of political crimes, against national security, the economic and social order and the popular economy. Art. 11 – All acts performed in accordance with this Institutional Act and its Complementary Acts, as well as their respective effects, are excluded from any judicial review. Available at:http://www.senado.gov.br. Accessed on:29 Jul. 2010. Institutional Act nº 5 is considered by many authors a “coup within a coup”. In the selected AI-5 articles, the military government sought to limit the role of the Judiciary, because this meant a) the replacement of the 1967 Constitution. b) the beginning of the process of political distension. c) the legal guarantee for the authoritarianism of judges. d) the expansion of powers in the hands of the Executive. e) the repeal of the legal instruments implemented during the 1964 coup.
Question 04 - PUC-SP 2012 - In ten years of validity, the AI-5 had time to punish 1607 citizens, of which 321 were impeached:six senators, 110 federal and 161 state deputies, 22 mayors, 22 councilors (...). In addition to the impeachment, senators and 100 federal deputies had their political rights suspended for 10 years. Among the punishments for public servants were the removal of three ministers from the Federal Supreme Court and university professors. In parallel with this hunt, the AI-5 developed a relentless purge of the works created:in ten years, about 500 films, 450 plays, 200 books, dozens of radio programs, 100 magazines, more than 500 lyrics and a dozen soap opera chapters and synopses were censored. Zuenir Ventura. 1968:the year that didn't end. Rio de Janeiro:Nova Fronteira, 1988, p. 285-286. Adapted. The text mentions some effects of Institutional Act nº 5, enacted in 1968 and revoked in 1978. We can say that AI-5 a) was a reaction to the plot of the media, artists and part of the politicians, who intended to implant socialism in the Brazil. b) determined the end of democracy in the country and established the first dictatorship in the history of Brazil. c) allowed the military government to apply its program of broad social reforms, without resistance from conservative sectors of society. d) expanded the powers of the current military regime, eliminating constitutional guarantees. e) extinguished opposition parties and prevented all politicians from demonstrating.
Question 05 - FACASPER 2020 - During the military regime (1964-1985), the Brazilian government adopted exceptional measures, especially after 1968, when the fifth Institutional Act (AI-5) was published and when the National Security Council assumed preponderance in government decisions . Regarding the period referred to, it is correct to say that there were:a) expansion of programs aimed at health and education, abandonment of industry and favoring agribusiness. b) strengthening of the executive power, relative weakening of the legislature and the judiciary and increasing government participation in the economy. c) end of state interventionism in the economy, expansion of states' autonomy and military control of the information system. d) growth of the country's foreign investments, eradication of inflation and end of the Brazilian foreign debt. e) technological modernization of the communication infrastructure, increase in rail transport and abandonment of road transport.
REPORTS 01 - Letter A.02 - Letter E.03 - Letter D.04 - Letter D.05 - Letter B.