History quiz

Exercises on the Guerrilha do Araguaia - with feedback

Question 01 - UNIFOR 2013.1 - During the military dictatorship in Brazil, there was a guerrilla movement in the Amazon region known as “Guerrilha do Araguaia”. Regarding this movement, mark the CORRECT alternative.
(A) It was organized by the Communist Party of Brazil (PC do B) and its objective was to promote the socialist revolution in Brazil, from the countryside, inspired by the Cuban and
(B) It was led by the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB), which intended to create an independent socialist state in the Amazon region, on the banks of the Araguaia River, in what is now the state of Tocantins.
(C) ) The guerrilla warfare took place between the late 1960s and the first half of the 1970s and was characterized by bloody struggles between the Brazilian army and mercenary soldiers from Cuba.
(D) The insurgents had massive collaboration of the local peasant population, who adhered in large numbers to the socialist philosophy and also took up arms to fight the Brazilian army.
(E) Despite having been defeated by the army, leaving a toll of dozens of dead, the Guerrilla do Araguaia is considered a the successful experiences of armed struggle, being responsible for a severe blow to the military dictatorship.

Question 02 - USS 2007 - Cesgranrio Foundation -
The guerrilla movement of Araguaia is a glorious page of our people.”
João Amazonas
“The guerrilla, the subversive war, it is a dirty war.” Former Minister Jarbas Passarinho

The two statements above reflect opposing positions regarding the analysis of a movement in Brazilian history that has been little studied until today - the Guerrilha do Araguaia, which:
(A) opposing sides were the followers of Antonio Conselheiro and the representatives of the government of the Old Republic, terrified by the expansion of the guerrilla movement.
(B) it consisted of one of the many revolts of the regency period in Brazil, as a form of reaction to political centralism. implemented by the Empire after independence.
(C) represented the interests of squatters and land grabbers without any ideological tendency in the attempt to obtain territorial advantages.
(D) represented one of the ways found by the Brazilian left to to react to the military dictatorship implemented by the 1964 coup.
(E) occupied the Western Amazon, in view of the difficulty of penetration of repression troops in a region of dense vegetation.

Question 03 - UFT 2017 - Transfer - The Guerrilha do Araguaia, which took place in the north of Goiás, in the late 60's and early 70's of the 20th century, had as its motivating political and ideological factor the:
(A) Military Coup of 1964.
(B) Populism by Getúlio Vargas.
(C) Neoliberalism by Fernando Collor.
(D) Plano Real by Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
(E) Developmentalism by Juscelino Kubistchek.

Question 04 - FADESP - 2010 - PM-PA - On July 22, 2003, the Diário da Justiça published a court decision ordering the breach of confidentiality of military information about the Guerrilha do Araguaia. On August 27, 2003, the Attorney General's Office appealed the ruling that it had ordered to open the military archives, although it recognized the right of the authors to try to locate the remains of their missing family members. All this judicial dispute must be understood historically, because it focuses on a controversial episode, the Guerrilha do Araguaia, which occurred
(A) between 1967-74, in the Araguaia region. This leftist movement, inspired by revolutions such as the Cuban and Chinese, was harshly opposed by the military, with most guerrillas having disappeared at the end of the conflict, which generated judicial controversy.
(B) between 1980-89 , along the Araguaia River. In it, guerrillas trained by the Russian army mobilized peasants and fishermen for the armed struggle against the dictatorship. The army fought them off and the dead were never handed over to their families, which led to contemporary lawsuits.
(C) throughout the military period (1964-89). They were guerrillas trained by the PCB in Araguaia who worked in large Brazilian cities, kidnapping politicians and statesmen in order to weaken the dictatorship. The military arrested and killed most of the guerrillas and their bodies were never located, which led to the current processes.
(D) in the years of 1974 and 1975, in the middle of the Araguaia forest, when leftist paramilitary groups mobilized the local population to create militias and fight against the 1964 dictatorship. They were widely fought and killed and their bodies disappeared, generating the current processes.

Question 05 - VUNESP - 2011 - TJ-SP - The Inter-American Court of Human Rights, an organ of the Organization of American States (OAS), condemned the repression and crimes committed by the Brazilian military regime(...). The sentence released this Tuesday (12.14.2010) determines that the Brazilian State is responsible for the forced disappearance of 62 people between 1972 and 1974. This is Brazil's first international conviction in a case involving the military dictatorship (1964-1985).
(www.cartacapital.com.br, 12.15.2010) The aforementioned conviction refers to episode (A) of the uprising of Fort Copacabana.
(B) of the Araguaia guerrilla.
(C) of the Communist Intent.
(D) of the ABC strikes.
(E) of the UNE Congress .

01 - A
02 - D
03 - A
04 - A
05 - B