History quiz

Exercises on the Dutra Government - with feedback

Question 01 - FGV 2002 - The administration of President Eurico Gaspar Dutra was marked by the adoption of measures aimed at the modernization of political-administrative institutions. Among these changes, the following can be highlighted:
a) the approval of a new Constitution which, although it followed liberal and democratic principles, maintained the ban on women's right to vote.
b) the rapprochement with the Soviet Union , due to the enormous prestige of the parliamentarians linked to the PCB.
c) the extinction of corporatism, with the regulation of trade union centrals free from the tutelage of the State.
d) the implementation of a plan of goals (Plano Salte) that aimed at meeting the needs of industrialization and domestic supply.
e) the refusal to participate in the Organization of American States (OAS), considering it an instrument for the consolidation of North American hegemony in Latin America.

Question 02 - PUCRS 1999 - The SALTE Plan (Health, Food, Transport and Energy) was an attempt at state planning of the economy under the Dutra government. It can be said that one of the factors that conditioned the relative failure of the plan was the economic policy initially adopted by that government, which determined
a) the drastic increase in inflation rates, due to the real increases granted to the minimum wage.
b) a strong recession, due to the orthodox terms of the agreement then signed with the IMF.
c) serious difficulties in the export sector, due to the increase in protectionist rates formally condemned by the GATT.
d ) failures in the internal supply of industrial inputs, due to the unilateral cancellation of trade agreements with the United States.
e) the depletion of the country's international currency, due to the opening then practiced in the import sector.

br />Question 03 - UNESP 1992 - The Second World War and the subsequent transformations profoundly shook the existing balance of powers, opening the way for a new political-economic and military order, with obvious implications for the Third World. In this context, the foreign policy of the Eurico Gaspar Dutra government expressed:
a) favoring the socialist bloc.
b) alignment with US policy.
c) neutralist stance.
d) Third-world vision of resistance to imperialism.
e) defense of Latin American self-determination.

Question 04 - UECE - Regarding the positions taken by General Eurico Dutra's government, it can be correctly said:
a) fully aligning himself with the US-led bloc, in the context of the ferment of the Cold War, Dutra sought ways to pursue or neutralize the influence of the communists.
b) in the context of redemocratization, Dutra installed a broad, democratic government, which allowed all political manifestations, including communists.
c) Dutra, despite having been elected by the popular vote, reinforced the institutions and methods of the Estado Novo, closing the Congress and granting a new Constitution.
d) despite his support for the US during the war, Dutra sought to maintain an independent position at the international level.

Question 05 - UEL 2000 - The redemocratization process, established in Brazil in 1946, was threatened during the government of Eurico Gaspar Dutra, due to his political position, since the president
a) aligned himself with the Soviet Union, which it provoked political and economic pressure from the United States.
b) he removed the mandates of the representatives of the Brazilian Labor Party, as it was an opposition party to his government.
c) he persecuted the Integralists and made the Integralist Action illegal Brazilian, even arresting its leader Plínio Salgado.
d) developed a planned economic policy, which caused dissatisfaction among multinationals installed in the country.
e) made the Communist Party of Brazil illegal, even breaking diplomatic relations with the USSR.

Question 06 - Mackenzie 2009 - The government of Eurico Gaspar Dutra (1946-1950) was influenced by the international events that marked the post-war period. The economic policy adopted by his government had as its main objective
a) the increase of State intervention, which started to control imports, reducing customs tariffs.
b) the maintenance of a confiscation policy to fights against inflation, which, however, did not harm workers' salary adjustments.
c) exchange liberalization, increasing imports of superfluous products, without adopting a policy of selection in imports.
d) the adoption of a liberal and nationalist policy, favorable to the business of national companies.
e) the maintenance of favorable conditions for the accumulation of capital, through a democratic and nationalist social policy.

Question 07 - COLÉGIO NAVAL 2014 - In 1945, Getúlio Vargas was deposed, ending the Estado Novo. General elections were called and General Eurico Gaspar Dutra was elected President of the Republic and sworn in in January 1946. Regarding the economy in the Dutra government, it is correct to say that:
(A) President Dutra continued the policy of his predecessor, establishing full state control over the economy and, at the end of his government, he launched the campaign "O Petróleo é Nosso".
(B) with the implementation of the Salte Plan, the Rio-São Paulo highway was paved and the Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional (CSN) and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce were created.
(C) President Dutra proposed Salte, a developmental economic plan that prioritized investments in the areas of Health, Food, Transport and Energy, that would be controlled exclusively by American companies.
(D) the Dutra government, initially, followed an anti-liberal model, however, with the beginning of the Cold War, American pressures led to a change of orientation in this policy.
(E) with the policy of opening up to foreign products, the government ended up facilitating imports of superfluous products, such as toys, and consuming a large part of the accumulated foreign currency reserves.

Question 08 - COLÉGIO NAVAL 2011 - General Eurico Gaspar Dutra's government was part of a world scenario of profound geopolitical transformations. The end of the Second World War and the subsequent transformations profoundly shook the existing balance of power, opening the way for a new political-economic and military order, with obvious implications for the Third World. In this context, the Dutra government's foreign policy expressed
(A) an approach to the communist bloc.
(B) an alignment with US policy.
(C) a stance of relative neutrality. .
(D) a third-world vision of resistance to imperialism.
(E) a vanguard position regarding the country's self-determination.

Question 09 - FEPESE - 2014 - MPE-SC - In the immediate post-World War II period, Brazil was under the presidency of Eurico Gaspar Dutra (1945-1951). About the economic policy of the Dutra government, it is correct to say:
A) During the Dutra government, there was no change in economic policy, especially in the exchange rate policy.
B) The Dutra government was marked by a high inflow of direct foreign investment, which contributed to the balance of payments.
C) Immediately, from the year 1945, the government adopted exchange controls and import contingency policy.
D) When Unlike the government of Getúlio Vargas (1930-45), the Dutra government was marked by the practice of liberal economic principles throughout its term, especially with regard to exchange rate policy.
E) In the last years of government, Brazil faced a foreign exchange crisis, having to adopt a policy of import contingency, since the international reserves accumulated during World War II were of low convertibility (weak currencies).

Question 10 - Instituto Machado of Assisi - 2018 - Pre Municipality of Caxias - MA -
The SALTE Plan (1946-1951) was an economic plan that intended to stimulate the areas of health, food, transport and energy in Brazil. Which President of the Republic of Brazil launched this Plan?
(A) Castelo Branco.
(B) Gaspar Dutra.
(C) Carlos Lacerda.
(D) Getúlio Vargas.

Question 11 - FUNDATEC - 2019 - Novo Horizonte City Hall - SP - Analyze the statements below, considering the aspects of politics and economics developed in the period of President Dutra:
I. Dutra's government can be considered as a Liberal administration, since, at the beginning of his administration, he presented a non-interventionist policy in matters of market and State regulation.
II. There was a belief, in his government, that the development of Brazil would occur with the freedom of the market. The historic inflationary crisis would be overcome with the regulation of the free importation of goods.
III. Despite the conjunctural aspects of the economy, as far as the financial plan is concerned, Brazil was in a favorable situation, as it had not created debts abroad.
Which ones are correct?
A) Only I.
>B) II only.
C) III only.
D) I and II only.
E) I, II and III.

JUDGMENT 01 - D02 - E03 - B04 - A05 - E06 - C
07 - E
08 - B
09 - E
10 - C
11 - D