History quiz

Exercises on the Itamar Franco Government - with feedback

Question 01 - "On September 29, 1992, after a succession of scandals, the Chamber of Deputies approved the opening of a process against then President Fernando Collor for various crimes. With Collor's removal on October 2, Itamar Franco took office, initially as an interim and, from December 29, when the former president resigned from the presidency, definitively. His government began with broad popular support and without opposition, but faced serious economic problems bequeathed by previous governments".
Check the alternative that CORRECTLY characterizes the actions of the Itamar Franco government.
a) Creation of an economic stabilization plan that established a parity between the local currency and the dollar.
b) Confiscation of savings and freezing of bank accounts above a certain value.
c) Breaking of the oil and telecommunications monopoly and strategic alteration of the concept of state-owned company in favor of the foreign market.
d) Launch of a set of of measures, such as the increase in interest rates, with the objective of reducing the public deficit.
e) Convocation of a new Constituent Assembly, characterized by the administrative and financial decentralization of the State.

Question 02 - FATEC - 2007/2 - After Collor's impeachment, Itamar Franco assumed the presidency of Brazil, saying that his goal was to fight poverty, inflation and recession. It is correct to say about his government that a) unemployment and poverty have decreased, giving encouragement to the population.
b) the political, administrative and economic mistakes made by him have generated uncertainties about the country's future.
c) managed to considerably reduce the country's inflation rate, by blocking the financial assets of individuals and legal entities.
d) aimed at defending and recovering the country's international reserves by enacting a moratorium.
e) seeking to control prices and de-index the economy, with the creation of the Cruzado Plan.

Question 03 - Mackenzie 2012/2 - Regarding the Real Plan, a Brazilian program with the objective of economic stabilization, it is correct to say that
a) it was prepared by the Minister of Economy at the time, Dílson Funaro, and despite resistance from opposition parties, it was successfully implemented at the end of the José Sarney administration.
b) Minister Fernando Henrique Cardoso, during the Itamar Franco administration, announced the program that aimed to end inflation and stabilize the economy.
c) the economic plan, devised by the economic team of the Itamar Franco government, did not initially show significant results in the fight against inflation, which generated political wear and tear for President Itamar.
d) mistrust on the part of of opposition parties, the effectiveness of the Real Plan in effectively fighting inflation did not allow President Itamar to run for reelection as President of the Republic.
e) President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, in an attempt to solve the problems problems related to the ineffectiveness of the Plano Real, at the beginning of his government in 1995, he instituted a new currency, the real.

Question 04 - FUMARC - 2011 - Ouro Preto City Hall - MG - Técnico in Environment -
About the economic stabilization program developed during the presidency of Itamar Franco, indicate the true propositions.
I. the program was prepared by the team of the Minister of Finance Fernando Henrique Cardoso and was called the real plan.
II. the program was gradually implemented between mid-1993 and mid-1994.
III. the program foresaw a gradual increase in the public sector, with the State taking over strategic sectors of the economy, such as agribusiness.
IV. the performance of Fernando Henrique Cardoso, at the head of the economic stabilization process, guaranteed him the condition of successor to Itamar Franco in the presidency of the Republic.
V. the economic stabilization program, by proposing the reduction of the State's participation in the economy, reflected in Brazil, in a more visible way, the influence of neoliberalism.
Check the CORRECT alternative.
a) only the statements I, II, IV, V are correct.
b) only statements I, III, IV, V are correct.
c) only statements I, II, III, IV are correct.
br />d) only statements I, II, III, V are correct.

Question 05 - (Adapted) CESPE - 2017 - CBM-AL - Aspirant of the Fire Department - Judge the following item related to the republican period of Brazilian history. After the political crisis that brought Itamar Franco to power, hyperinflation, inherited from the military period and intensified under José Sarney's government, was controlled through an economic plan developed in line with neoliberal guidelines.
( ) Right
( ) Wrong

Question 06 - PM-MG - 2015 - Upon assuming the position of President of the Republic, Itamar Franco found broad political support. Fernando Henrique Cardoso, in his presidency, took over the finance ministry in March 1993 and, with a group of economists, began to draw up a plan to stabilize the economy. About this phase of redemocratization in Brazil, it is CORRECT to state that:
A. ( ) The URV allowed entrepreneurs and workers to estimate their standard of living in terms of the value of goods, but even so, tax collection remained stable, a fact that worried the government and, therefore, led to a reduction in spending on the social area.
B. ( ) The economic adjustment measures adopted by the Minister of Finance Fernando Henrique Cardoso and his economic team were based on the indications of the Washington Consensus that highlighted the need to reform the State, reduce government spending, privatize state-owned companies and reduce taxes on imported products. to achieve currency stability.
C. ( ) With the stabilization of the economy leveraged by the implementation of the URV, the government created a new currency, the “Real”, and with that, enabled the launch of the candidacy of Fernando Henrique Cardoso for the position of President of the Republic supported by the coalition of PSDB parties and PMDB.
D. ( ) In 1994, the then Minister of Finance, Fernando Henrique Cardoso, created the Real Plan that stabilized our economy with the creation of the URV (Real Unit of Value) pegging it to the Euro (European Union currency with a strong value of reference in the international market) – being a monetary union with which Brazil had strong commercial ties.

Question 07 - IDECAN - 2015 - City Hall of Rio Pomba - MG - Attorney -
The Real was launched during the government of President Itamar Franco with the immediate objective of
A) controlling the hyperinflation that was ravaging Brazil at the time.
B) boosting Brazil's economic and financial growth.
C) reduce poverty and hunger, promoting economic equality.
D) dollarize the Brazilian economy, equating it with the North American one.

Question 08 - FGV-SP 2012 - Administration - Recently, in July 2011, former president Itamar Franco passed away. Regarding his coming to power and his government, it is correct to say:
A) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won in the first round of the disputed elections in 1994, thanks to the success of the Real Plan, implemented under Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
B) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won the 1989 elections and organized a national coalition government, in which all other Brazilian political parties participated, including the PT.
C) He assumed the presidency after the impeachment process of President Fernando Collor de Mello and, with his minister Fernando Henrique Cardoso, implemented the Real Plan.
D) He was elected in January 1985, in direct election by the electoral college, and organized a government of reforms political and economic that allowed his re-election in 1994.
E) He was elected in 1994 due to the success of the Plano Real implemented in the government of President Fernando Henrique Cardoso, in which he participated as Minister of Finance.

Question 09 - KINGS &KINGS - 2016 - City Hall of Cipotânea - MG - Atendente -
The Real is the currency that came into circulation on July 1, 1994, during the Real Plan, implemented under Itamar Franco's government. Before the Real, the Brazilian currency was:
a) Cruzeiro Real.
b) Cruzeiro.
c) Cruzeiro.
d) Cruzado Novo.

Question 10 - PMMG - 2010 -During his government, several privatizations were carried out, such as Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional de Volta Redonda, Açominas and Cosipa. He also authorized the lowering of customs tariffs, facilitating imports. His government's greatest success was controlling inflation and launching the PlanoReal.The text above refers to the president:
A) Fernando Henrique Cardoso who won the 1994 elections in the 1st round.
B) Itamar Franco who governed Brazil after the impeachment of Fernando Collor.
C) Luís Inácio Lula da Silva who, after several candidacies, was elected in 2002.
D) José Sarney who received the presidential sash in 1985 after the death of Tancredo Neves.

01 - A
02 - B
03 - B
04 - A
05 - RIGHT
06 - B
07 - A
08 - C
09 - A
10 - B