History quiz

History Exercises on the Fernando Henrique Cardoso Government - with feedback

Question 01 - PUCRS 2000.1 - Fernando Henrique Cardoso's victory in the 1994 presidential elections had as a decisive factor the
A) adoption of an effective birth control policy, aimed at raising awareness among the underprivileged population.
B) reducing the criminality in the countryside, due to the agrarian reform program that foresees tolerance in relation to the invasion of unproductive lands in the country.
C) foreign policy of importing Mercosur products, with the objective of reducing customs fees, resulting in higher prices more attractive in the Brazilian market.
D) implementation of the Real Plan, which created a stable currency in the country after decades of inflation.
E) fall in unemployment due to the adoption of the nationalization plan and regulatory intervention by the State in the economy.

Question 02 - PUCRS 2000.2 - Luís Inácio Lula da Silva and Fernando Henrique Cardoso were the most voted candidates in the 1994 elections. Basing his campaign on the success of the Real Plan, Fernando Henrique won the elections in the first round, taking office on January 1, 1995, to serve a four-year term. In addition to defending the Real, the most important aspect of Fernando Henrique Cardoso's government program was a series of constitutional reforms, considered essential to modernize the country and guarantee economic stability. The constitutional reforms provided for
A) the end of the private monopoly of oil, telecommunications and electricity.
B) the end of the stability of public servants.
C) the end of the redistribution of taxes between the Union, States and Municipalities.
D) restrictions on the entry of foreign capital and permission for national institutions to be able to act on equal terms with international institutions.
E) the reduction to 25 years of the period of service for purposes of retirement of professors and deputies.

Question 03 - FGV - 2016 - IBGE -When, in 1994, Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) assumed the presidency of the Republic, it was clear that he had been elected to beat inflation. Regarding the Real Plan for economic stability and this government, it is correct to state that:
(A) an important element of this plan was the policy of appreciated exchange rate that favored exports;
(B) there was price freeze and the Real Value Unit (URV) was implemented, which represented the monetary unit to de-index the economy;
(C) it was necessary to paralyze the policy initiated in the Fernando Collor de Melo government of privatization of some companies
(D) the Plano Real had as an important instrument for its success the monetary policy that sharply raised interest rates to contain demand;
(E) in parallel with the successful control of inflation by the Plano Real, there was also success in macroeconomic management in terms of fiscal policy and external accounts.

Question 04 - UECE-CEV - 2018 - SEDUC-CE - Professor - History - Pay attention to the following excerpt regarding the mandates of Fernando Henrique Cardoso:“The President deepened the reforms and sought to reduce the entrepreneurial state (intervening state, very involved in the production of goods and services), even though he was criticized for the lack of action in areas such as education, health and social security, as well as privatization and its methods. The resources generated by the privatizations, moreover, were not converted into payment of the public debt or into investments. They were used to pay only the principal amount of the debt, which practically quadrupled during Fernando Henrique's two terms”. BARBER, Herodotus; CANTELE, Bruna R.; SCHNEEBERGER, Carlos A. History:single volume for high school. São Paulo, Scipione, 2004, p.468. From the reading of the excerpt above, it is correct to infer that A) the FHC governments, in addition to fighting inflation with the Real, are also responsible for a large investment in fundamental social areas and for the maintenance of state companies.B) FHC made major changes in Brazil's economic structure, which led to a reduction in the inflow of speculative capital and, also, to the end of government loan requests to external and internal creditors.C) the success of the FHC administrations, despite the mishaps, it promoted currency stability and ensured the continuity of the political model, with the election of the government candidate for president, in 2002.D) despite a balanced currency, Brazil, during the government of FHC, there was an increase in public debt and little investment in crucial sectors, hence the blackout crisis in 2001 and 2002.

Question 05 - PUCRS 2002.1 - Fernando Henrique Cardoso's victory in the 1994 presidential elections made it possible to continue and deepen the development model based on the Real Plan, which had been launched in July of that year, under the articulation of the future president, at the time Minister of Finance of the Itamar Franco government . This development model comprises the following items, with the EXCEPTION of
A) the need to deepen the internationalization of the Brazilian economy.
B) preservation of currency stability.
C) expansion of the direct action of the State in strategic sectors of the economy.
D) release of market mechanisms as a way of stimulating competitiveness.
E) opening to foreign capital as a potential means of financing growth.
Question 06 - UEMG 2018-2 - In the 1990s, during his term as finance minister and later president of the republic in two consecutive elections until January 1, 2003, Fernando Henrique Cardoso implemented a policy that sought, in addition to economic stability, a greater approximation between Brazil and the international trade. For many analysts, the foundation of this policy was built on the ideas of neoliberalism. It can be considered as one of the strategies of this policy in Brazil:A) the expansion of the State's participation in the tertiary sector. B) privatization of state-owned enterprises by the government. C) massive investment in production infrastructure. D) the salary recovery of the working class.

Question 07 - Machado de Assis Institute - 2018 - Luís Correia City Hall - PI - History Professor -
In Brazil, a program known as “Programa Avança Brasil” was developed, involving various agencies in the country. This program was implemented in the government of:
(A) Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
(B) Jose Sarney.
(C) Fernando Collor.
(D) João Figueiredo.
(D) João Figueiredo.

Question 08 - Mackenzie 2007/2 -
• Deregulation of the national market
• Broad privatization policy of state-owned companies
• Maintenance of high interest rates to attract foreign capital
• Cut government spending on services and social programs
• Flexibilization of labor legislation The measures listed above stood out among the most important of the economic policy put into practice over the eight years of the FHC administration (1995-2002).
There is a certain consensus according to which they allow to characterize this policy as being
a) national-developmentalist.
b) communist.
c) neoliberal.
d) Keynesian.
e) socialist .

Question 09 - EPBAZI - 2017 - City Hall of São Carlos - SC - Teacher - History -
Regarding the Government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso:
I. In his inaugural speech, on January 1, 1995, he highlighted two government priorities:consolidating the stability of the new currency and reversing the situation of social exclusion that affected a large part of the population.
II. In the social aspect, during the Government, conflicts and disputes in the rural area intensified, gaining importance the movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST), which emerged in the 1980s. At the same time, landowners began to form militias to defend their properties, many of them considered unproductive. Under popular pressure and the situation of violence in the countryside, the government implemented some mechanisms of expropriation of unproductive lands, in an attempt to lower the high rate of land concentration in the hands of private landowners.
III. In the second term, it was difficult to keep the value of the currency stable, without devaluing it in relation to the Dollar, worsening the already critical social situation. After an agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the country had access to a new loan in the amount of forty-one billion dollars, however, in order to honor this loan, further cuts in public spending became necessary. in addition to the increase in taxes.
IV. In politics, the presidential approval of Complementary Law No. 101, OF MAY 4, 2000, known as the Fiscal Responsibility Law, which established public finance norms focused on responsibility in fiscal management, setting spending limits and the rules for the indebtedness of the executive, legislative and judicial powers and the then existing moderating power, at the state and municipal levels.
In relation to the previous statements, it is correct to say that:
a) Only statement II is wrong .
b) Only statement I is wrong.
c) Only statement IV is wrong.
d) Only statement III is wrong.

Question 10 - CPCON - 2017 - Ouro Branco City Hall - RN - Fernando Henrique Cardoso governed Brazil for two consecutive terms, the first from 1994 to 1997 and the second from 1998 to 2002. About this period it is CORRECT to state:
a) In the first term, the FHC government stood out for privatization of Brazilian public companies.
b) Political parties such as the PT, PD, and PSB radically supported the policy of privatization of national companies.
c) In his government, the Real Plan was created, which favored the control of inflation.
d) At the end of his eight-year term, President FHC leaves the country with hyperinflation, a fact that decreed the decline in his popularity.
e) During his government, Fernando Henrique Cardoso was a staunch opponent of neoliberal policy that marked the world already in the nineties of the last century.

Question 11 - UFF 1999 - Among the organized opposition movements to the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government, one of them stands out:the Landless Movement (MST). With regard to the aforementioned matter, it is correct to state:
(A) The MST identifies itself with the Movement of People Affected by Dams (MAB) insofar as both criticize the State's role in the management of social issues.
(B) The Land Statute approved by the 1988 Constitution is an agrarian legislation that expresses the demands of the MST.
(C) The Rural Democratic Union (UDR) is formed by MST representatives in the National Congress.
(D) One of the institutions most critical of the MST's performance is the Pastoral Land Commission.
(E) INCRA is the Institute responsible for colonization and agrarian reform policy in Brazil and follows the deliberations of the MST.

Question 12 - UFF 1999 - In July 1998, the group of Brazilian state-owned companies in the Telebrás system was privatized, continuing the neoliberal program of the Fernando Henrique Cardoso government. Choose the option that best defines "privatization":
(A) application of a legal instrument by the Brazilian State to favor foreign companies in Stock Exchange auctions
(B) appropriation of the State by private, national capital or foreigner
(C) process of incorporation of new private companies into the State - the same as the minimal State
(D) process of organizing sales of state-owned companies through auctions on the Stock Exchanges
>(E) transfer of public assets to the private control of business sectors, national or foreign

Question 13 - UFF 201 2 - In October 1994, driven by the success of the Real Plan, Fernando Henrique Cardoso was elected President of the Republic. In his farewell speech to the Senate, he pledged to put an end to what he called the "Vargas Era":"(...) I firmly believe that authoritarianism is a turning point in Brazil's history. political past that still hampers the present and slows down the advancement of society. I am referring to the legacy of the Vargas Era." (12/14/1994)
The president-elect ruled Brazil for two terms, initiating the consolidation of neoliberal policy in the country, initiated by Presidents Collor and Itamar Franco.
About the two terms (1995-2002) ), it can be said that they are characterized
(A) by the maintenance of the purchasing power of those who retired; establishment of the national monopoly on telecommunications, through state-owned companies; and nationalization of the financial system.
(B) due to high economic growth, with an annual average of around 5% per year; major investment in infrastructure and education; income distribution; and increase in the economic capacity of the State.
(C) through the social policy of inclusion, with the creation of Bolsa Família; facilitating the admission of the needy to the University; restriction of foreign investments; and high incentives for family farming.
(D) the break with the economic policy originated by the "Washington Consensus"; consolidation of the state financial system; and strengthening of labor legislation created in the first half of the 20th century.
(E) due to limited economic growth; privatization of state enterprises; decrease in the size of the state; and energy blackout, which led to rationing and an increase in energy costs.

Question 14 - UVA 2004.2 - Launched by the PSDB as a candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, FernandoHenrique Cardoso articulated an alliance with the PFL, a center-right party, with a view to creating a center-right candidacy to ensure electoral victory and, above all, governability if elected. His victory took place in the first round. He was re-elected for a second term. These are some of the guidelines of the two FHC administrations, except:
A) the preservation of economic stability and the real to give internal and external credibility to the economy and prevent the return of inflation.
B) the implementation of the Cruzado Plan and the Bresser Plan and the Summer Plan, which favored a return to inflation and a moratorium.
C) fiscal adjustment, thanks to the approval of the fiscal responsibility law.
D) a privatization of state-owned companies and the creation of regulatory agencies in charge of regulating and inspecting public service concessions.

Question 15 - FUNDATEC - 2019 - Novo Horizonte City Hall - SP - Establishing a national policy with neoliberal foundations, causing a deregulation of the internal market, he governed Brazil for eight years. Privatization policy is a substantial mark of his government, therefore, in his government, the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) set a mark of 2.7% to 4.2%. Which political figure does this historical context refer to?
A) Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.
B) Fernando Henrique Cardoso.
C) Itamar Franco.
D) Fernando Collor de Mello.
E) José Sarney.

01 - D
02 - B
03 - D
04 - D
05 - C
06 - B
07 - A
08 - C
09 - C
10 - A
11 - A
12 - E
13 - E
14 - B
15 - B