History quiz

Exercises on the Washington Luís Government - with feedback

Question 01 - FUVEST 2008 - Transfer – The geography of transport in Brazil is, in the 20th century, marked by the hegemony of the road modal over other modes of transport. This statement can be directly related to a Brazilian ruler and his motto: a) Washington Luís and "Governar is opening roads". b) Juscelino Kubitschek and “Governing is opening roads”. c) General Médici and “Integrating not to deliver”. d) Getúlio Vargas and “Oil is ours”. e) Castelo Branco and “Integrating not to deliver”.
Question 02 - FAMERP 2017 - 1st day - “The social question is a police case” — this phrase, attributed to Washington Luís, president of the Republic from 1926 until his deposition in 1930, is generally seen as a symptom of how issues related to work (the “social question ”) were neglected by the State during the period of the so-called Old Republic (1889-1930).(Kazumi Munakata. A labor legislation in Brazil, 1984.) The association of Washington Luís' phrase with a characteristic “symptom” of the Brazilian First Republic can be exemplified by a) liberation of workers' demonstrations in the urban perimeter of all capitals. b) prohibition of the entry of immigrants who had participated in unions in their countries of origin. c) decree of the curfew, still at the end of the century XIX, with the limitation of citizens' circulation hours. d) continuous repression of strikes, protests and other forms of demonstration by workers. e) enactment of labor legislation, with the definition of workers' rights and duties.
Question 03 - CBM-MG - 2013 - The Liberal Alliance that brought together the main opposition forces against Júlio Prestes, the Washington Luís government candidate for the post of president of the republic, was composed of a) Getúlio Vargas for president and João Pessoa for vice president. b) Getúlio Vargas for president and Antônio Carlos for vice president. c) Getúlio Vargas for the head of the ticket and Juarez Távora for vice president. d) Getúlio Vargas for president and Luís Carlos Prestes for vice president.

b>Question 04 - FCC - 2013 - AL-PB - Legislative Analyst - Consider the following statement:In mid-1929, after several conversations, the opposition launched the candidacies of Getúlio Vargas for the presidency and João Pessoa for the vice presidency. (Boris Fausto. História do Brasil. São Paulo:Edusp, 2002. p. 319)
The aforementioned candidacies(A) legally won the elections, but Vargas and his vice-president were prevented from taking office, a fact that sparked the 1930 Revolution, marking the end of the First Republic and the beginning of the Estado Novo in Brazil.(B) were defeated in the elections, despite having broad political support, a fact that, added to the assassination of João Pessoa, mobilized the popular strata of society to seize power and lead the Revolution.(C) they did not even actually run, as the acting president, Washington Luís, swore Júlio Prestes as his successor before the elections, generating great indignation on the part of the lieutenants and the states of the North and Northeast.(D) they represented a national alliance between you representatives, anarchists, communists and “colonels” from all states of the country, with the objective of fighting the coffee with milk policy and establishing a federalist and democratic regime.(E) were launched by the Liberal Alliance, to compete with the candidacy of Júlio Prestes to the presidency, a name that represented the interests of the coffee oligarchy of São Paulo, which then held power at the federal level.
Question 05 - Mackenzie/2017 - “Júlio Prestes won the elections of March 1, 1930. (...) the result of the elections seemed to mark the end of the regional split. (...). Borges de Medeiros recognized the victory of Júlio Prestes, also declaring that Rio Grande do Sul would be willing to collaborate with the new government. But not everyone in the opposition thought so. The point of view of the so-called 'civilian lieutenants' began to appear as an alternative, who wanted an answer through weapons.” Boris Fausto. History of Brazil. 13th ed. São Paulo:EDUSP, 2009, p.321
In the context of the coup that brought Getúlio Vargas to power, in 1930, mark the alternative that correctly points out the meaning of the expression 'civil lieutenants'.a) Points out the union between claims military for political changes, initiated in the 1930s, and the willingness of political leaders within the Liberal Alliance to promote such changes through the coup. The rise of Getúlio Vargas to power resulted from the combination of these two sides. b) These are the civil and military groups that, since the previous decade and led by Luís Carlos Prestes, demanded political changes for the country. In 1930, the defeat of Getúlio Vargas in the elections evidenced the use of electoral fraud, serving, in turn, as a trigger for the coup d'etat. by armed routes. In 1930, the “civilians” were political groups from São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, which united against the Minas Gerais leadership in the conduct of national politics. d) It indicates the willingness of the military and civilians to overthrow the government by armed means. In 1930, the defeat of the Liberal Alliance in the elections highlighted the political fragility of the governing groups, strengthening the coup movement that resulted in the rise of Getúlio Vargas to power. In 1930, the “civilians” were young politicians from the Liberal Alliance, dissatisfied with the results of the elections and who, therefore, were willing to overthrow the government with arms.
Question 06 - CESPE - 2009 - PC -PB - Investigation Agent and Police Agent - In a context of accentuated crisis, Vargas, finance minister of Washington Luís, became a candidate on the proposal of the Liberal Alliance, being nominated for the vice-presidency João Pessoa, who refused his support to the official candidates of Catete:Júlio Prestes (from São Paulo) and Vital Soares (from Bahia). With the victory of Júlio Prestes contested, the process that took Getúlio Vargas to power was defined, with the support of Antonio Carlos, from Minas, where the uprising erupted. Idem, ibidem, p. 632.
Regarding the topic discussed in the text above, select the correct option.A) The 1930 Revolution was led by Getúlio Vargas, a gaucho who did not participate in the Old Republic.B) Inscribed on the Paraiba flag, the The word “nego” refers to the state governor's refusal to support the Estado Novo's dictatorial coup. Election results in the Old Republic, as in 1930, were common in the face of an electoral process riddled with fraud. E) The assassination of João Pessoa was the trigger that led to the revolution that deposed Getúlio Vargas in 1945.
Question 07 - (Adapted) CESPE - 2016 - Instituto Rio Branco - Diplomat - The acute crisis of the First Republic was already pronounced in the four-year period of Artur Bernardes from Minas Gerais, which shows the state of siege maintained by his entire government. The succession of Washington Luís, won by the also ruling São Paulo candidate Júlio Prestes, made the rupture of the political system that had in the alternation between São Paulo and Minas Gerais in the Presidency of the Republic one of its balance points irreversible.( ) Right ( ) Wrong
Question 08 - UVA 2013.2 - CE - In 1930, Brazil is shaken by a revolution, which takes place in October. President Washington Luiz is deposed and Getúlio Vargas takes power. In this way, the Old Republic ends. The historical period known as the Vargas era (1930 - 1945) is usually divided into:a) two distinct phases:democracy and constitutional one.b) three distinct phases:provisional government, constitutional government and dictatorial government.c) two phases :the dictatorship and the Estado Novo.d) Constitutional Government and the Estado Novo
REPORTS 01 - A02 - D03 - A04 - E05 - E06 - D07 - Right08 - B