History quiz

History Exercises on the Vargas Government (1951-1954) - with feedback

Question 01 - IFBA 2017 - Integrated -
”Put the old man's portrait again
Put it in the same place (bis)
The old man's smile
Makes us work”. (bis)
(1951 Carnival March)

“Come, Getúlio! Come, Getúlio!
Our real boss
Our great President
With all reality
Come save your people
Who are in need.”
(Poetry de Cordel, Rodolfo)

The texts above, both the marchinha that celebrates Vargas' victory in the 1950 elections, and the poetry of cordel, translate some characteristics of the period by confirming:
A) that the sectors of the press and the politicians had an optimistic expectation in relation to the Vargas government, which made possible the absence of conflicts in the period.
B) that through his well-known way of acting, Getúlio tried to attract the diverse and antagonistic political currents , reflecting the stability of his government.
C) that the president received broad support from the main political currents, since there were no differences as to the development model to be followed by the country.
D) that the economic policy was aimed at the development of the primary sector and with great dependence on foreign capital geiro.
E) that sought to win the support of the popular masses by reinforcing labor policy through the Ministry of Labor during the administration of Minister João Goulart.

Question 02 - PUCRS 2005.2 - Analyze the statements below about the second Vargas government (1951 to 1954).
I. The creation of Petrobras (1953) can be seen as an example of the nationalist development project that Vargas sought to implement in Brazil, with emphasis on the so-called basic industry.
II. The granting of a 100% increase in the minimum wage triggered strong reactions to GetúlioVargas on the part of the military and the UDN, through, respectively, the Manifesto dos Coronéis and the newspaper Tribuna da Imprensa, by Carlos Lacerda.
III. The attack against Carlos Lacerda, leader of the opposition to Vargas in the National Congress, represented an attempt by the President of a coup d'état, with the objective of establishing an authoritarian government in Brazil, along the lines of the Estado Novo.
IV. Vargas' suicide and the publication of his testament, which accused the opposition and international capital of being contrary to the interests of the people, which he had defended so much, provoked a strong popular reaction and riots in several Brazilian cities.
The analysis of the statements allows us to conclude that they are only correct
A) I, II and III
B) I, II and IV
C) II, III and IV
D) III and IV
E) II and III

Question 03 - MPE-GO - 2017 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - Itumbiara -
The democratic return of Getúlio Vargas to power, after being elected in 1950, was characterized by the president:a) having approached the former military leaders of the Estado Novo and having carried out a coup d'état in 1952.b ) to have exercised a government with a populist tendency and to have committed suicide in 1954. c) to have exercised a government of an authoritarian tendency, with the support of Carlos Lacerda.d) to have exercised a government of a populist tendency that was the basis for his reelection in 1955 .e) not having taken the government forward for health reasons, being replaced by his deputy, Café Filho, in 1951.
Question 04 - FUVEST 2009 - Transfer – In political terms, the last Vargas government (1950 – 1954) differs from the previous one (1937 – 1945, Estado Novo), due to the novelty represented by a) neo-liberalism. b) nationalism. c) syndicalism. d) multipartyism. e) anti-communism.

Question 05 - PUCRS 2004.2 - The growth of opposition to the Second Vargas Government (1951-1954), which would lead the president to isolation and the extreme act of suicide, avoiding the resignation or the military coup, was due to the set of measures ________ in the Brazilian economy in a context _________.
A) liberal - expanding imperialism
B) nationalist - intensifying the US-USSR dispute
C) socialist - weakening US imperialism in Latin America
D) protectionist - retraction of North American foreign investment
E) populist - growth and investment of Asian countries in Brazil
Question 06 - UEMG 2018 - The following stanzas belong to Teixeirinha's music, called “24 de Agosto”, produced in 1962 and present on the 6th track of the LP album “Saudades de Passo Fundo”. The song honors Getúlio Vargas. “August twenty-fourth, the earth shook The radios announced the event The clouds covered the sky, the people in general suffered Brazil dressed in mourning, Getúlio Vargas died! His name has gone down in history for our remembrance His smile was the victory of our immense nation In health, he won war and revolution Then he was shot to death by his own hand”. (Adapted) Considering the lyrics of the song and the historical knowledge on the subject, mark the INCORRECT alternative. (A) The title of the song refers to the date on which Getúlio Vargas committed suicide, in 1954, leaving a letter-testament, whose authenticity has not been duly proven, which contains the phrase "I leave my life to enter history". (B) The “war” to which the song refers is the Second World War, in which Brazil participated, through the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), fighting alongside the allies in Italian territory. (C) Teixeirinha's tribute aims to highlight the popularity of Getúlio Vargas, known for being the “Father of the Poor”. This codename is probably related, among other factors, to the fact that Getúlio Vargas adopted a labor policy, with the creation of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws), being responsible for the conceptions of the Labor Card, the Labor Court and the minimum wage. . (D) The revolution mentioned in the song concerns the Constitutionalist Revolution of São Paulo, also known as Guerra Paulista, an armed movement that took place in the second government of Getúlio Vargas, in favor of his populist policies.
Question 07 - PUCRS 2003.2 - The political context that would lead to the crisis of the second Vargas Government and the suicide of the president, on August 24, 1954, was related to
A) the campaign of the Brazilian Communist Party against an excessively liberal State.
B) pressure from trade unionists for the approval of the Consolidation of Labor Laws.
C) popular opposition to the creation of Petrobras.
D) general mobilization against the government's indebtedness to the States.
E) the opposition of UDN liberals and Lacerda in the press.

Question 08 - UECE-CEV - 2018 - SEDUC-CE - Professor - History - The suicide of Getúlio Vargas, on August 24, 1954, had a great impact on the history of republican Brazil. Regarding this episode, mark the true statement. A) It occurred as a way of guaranteeing João Goulart, his vice president, the continuity of his national development project based on the Chinese model to which Goulart had access on an official visit to China .B) It occurred in the midst of a moment of weakness and meant the end of the political model he represented, based on populism and national-developmentalism.C) It had, among other causes, its origins in the violent media opposition led by Carlos' UDN Lacerda, who took advantage of popular dissatisfaction due to the growing inflation that had come since the Dutra government. D) It was provoked by an articulation between the military and right-wing groups that represented, in Brazil, the interests of large foreign companies harmed by the edition of the basic reforms that Vargas had sent to the congress.

Question 09 - IFBA 2017 - Integrated - “I follow the destiny that is imposed on me. After decades of dominating and plundering economic and financial groups, I became the leader of a revolution and I won. I had to resign. I returned to the government in the arms of the people (...)”. The excerpt above selected from Vargas' Letter-Testament expresses the links between the Vargas government (1951-1954) and:
A) nationalism and developmentalism based on industrialization and emphasizing the need to open the strategic sectors of the economy to national and international capital.
B) the traditional oligarchies, expressed in a conservative discourse and by measures that clashed with the interests of popular sectors.
C) to perform under the conditions of a democratic regime, the role of arbiter before the different social forces.
D) his death, which had no political significance, although it had a dramatic charge capable of mobilizing the great mass.
E) the sectors businessmen who at the beginning of his government showed unconditional support for his labor policy, but who, based on the social actions taken by Getúlio, abandoned the legitimately elected government.

Question 10 - Mackenzie 2001 - Suicide was the last, the supreme and unexpected gesture that surprised everyone and reversed trends, sealing the charisma and the myth. br />a) with the death of Vargas, his political figure is forgotten by the popular masses.
b) the reaction of the disaffected popular masses prevented the UDN from taking power, giving a survival to populism, with the election of João Goulart for Vice-President;
c) the isolation and indifference of the urban masses led Vargas to this outcome, although he had the full support of the Armed Forces.
d) in Brazilian history the figure of Getúlio Vargas is not seen as charismatic, due to the dictatorial period.
e) the UDN, the Tribuna de Imprensa and Carlos Lacerda were the main beneficiaries of the President's tragic end, assuming political leadership with the support of the masses.

b>INFORMATION 01 - E02 - B03 - B04 - D05 - B06 - D07 - E08 - C09 - C10 - B