History quiz

Exercises on the Castello Branco Government - with feedback

Question 01 - Cecierj - Based on the text and images below, mark the correct alternative. Source:http://www.google.com.br/imagens “On March 25th, a new crisis emerged. In addition to the rally on the 13th, the Revolta dos Marinheiros provided the arguments that the right needed to declare the growth of communist ideas, the “threat of a syndicalist republic”. The possible breakdown of the military hierarchy led by the president was the accelerating agent of the coup. The forces on the right were better prepared. On the 31st, General Mourão Filho started a movement in Juiz de Fora MG to overthrow the president. João Goulart went into exile in Uruguay. In a few days, Brazil already had a new leader:General Castelo Branco.” ARAÚJO, Maria Paula Nascimento. The fragmented utopia:the new lefts in Brazil and in the world in the 70s. Rio de Janeiro:Ed. FGV, 2000. Pp. 153. a) The military, also having the support of the people, overthrew President João Goulart due to his rapprochement with the communists. b) The military carried out the coup d'état against President João Goulart. mainly by the North Americans. c) The military removed President João Goulart and led Brazil from back to democracy. d) The military carried out the coup without external influence, or that is, the coup was orchestrated by the military itself without the support of other sectors.
Question 02 - IGEC 2019/1 - He was the first Brazilian president during the period of the Military Dictatorship: a) Getúlio Vargas b) Fernando Collor c) Prudente de Moraesd) Castello Branco
Question 03 - FUNCAB - 2009 - SESAU-RO - In 1966, under Marshal Castelo Branco, a new planning region was defined for the northern states, including Rondônia, in addition to the states of Maranhão and Mato Grosso. This project named the region as “Legal Amazon” and was created by the body called: A) Suframa; B) Sudene; C) Cadevasf; D) Sudam; E) Sudeco.
Question 04 - GROW - 2018 - São Domingos City Hall do Azeitão - MA - History Teacher - In Brazil, the Military Regime government in Castello Branco, established a new bipartisan legislation that was in force for twelve years, until 1979. And, regarding bipartisanship in Brazil, it is appropriate to state that: (A) In this system, two political parties could exist. (B) In the new legislation in the government of Castello Branco, only three parties contested the elections. (C) Elections under bipartisanship were strictly controlled, to facilitate the victory of the opposition. (D) Bipartisanship was implemented in Brazil by Institutional Act Nº 3 in the dispute for political positions.
Question 05 - ESAF - 2012 - MPOG - The Government's Economic Action Plan (PAEG) of the Castelo Branco government adopted a set of measures to contain inflation and promote economic growth. The Plan aimed to: a) reduce the public deficit by increasing revenues and reducing expenditures . b) credit expansion via interest rate reduction. c) increase in real wages and aggregate demand. d) expand the financing capacity of the economy by increasing the marginal propensity to consume. e) reduce the participation of foreign capital in the economy.
Question 06 - CONSESP - 2012 - City Hall of Quedas do Iguaçu - PR - About the Castelo Branco government it is incorrect to state that: (A) It encouraged popular leftist-inspired movements. (B) He instituted bipartisanship. (C) He forwarded to Congress the draft Constitution of 1967. (D) Instituted the National Security Law.
Question 07 - FCC - 2010 - Civil House-SP - General Humberto Castelo Branco was the first president of the military regime installed in 1964. During his government (1964-1967) there was the first flurry of decrees, laws, Institutional Acts, etc. About Institutional Acts it is correct to say that they are (A) Decrees by which the Judiciary established severe penalties for those who were indicted for acts that offended the honor and dignity of the members of the Executive Branch and the Legislative Assembly. (B) Laws instituted by the Legislative Power by which legal support was provided to the Judiciary to repress anyone who opposed the State's national security policy during this period. (C) Federal Laws by which the Legislative Power established norms that submitted the Judiciary Power to the Executive Power, through the extinction of certain guarantees, such as autonomy and freedom of judgment. (D) Decrees by which the Executive Branch established a new political, administrative or legal order, with measures that altered or contradicted the Constitution, without the due approval of the Legislative Power. (E) Amendments to the current Constitution by which the National Security Organs guaranteed the social, economic and political order and the laws established by the Federal Constitution, approved by the Executive Power.

Question 08 - (Adapted) - UNIFOR 2014.2 - In 2014, the military coup that established the dictatorship in Brazil completed 50 years. On March 31, 1964, President João Goulart woke up in the Laranjeiras Palace and soon learned about the movement of troops coming from Minas Gerais towards Rio de Janeiro. There, he received visits and information that were fundamental for the decisions taken throughout the day. At the end of the night, Goulart learns that the commander of the São Paulo troops also supported the coup. On April 1st, Goulart goes to Brasília and, from there, goes to Porto Alegre in search of support. ,Auro de Moura Andrade, opened the way for the coup plotters. On April 11, General Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco was elected by the National Congress and assumed the Presidency of the Republic.
[Source:http://g1.globo.com/jornal -nacional/noticia/2014/03/golpe-militar-de-1964-completa-50-anos-relembre.html] Analyze the following statements about the government of Castelo Branco:I. At the time of the coup, Castelo Branco held the position of Chief of Staff of the Army, appointed by President João Goulart.
II. Due to his political connections with João Goulart, Castelo Branco was a dissonant voice in the armed forces, positioning himself against the coup until the last minute.
III. Castelo Branco was elected to end the five-year term of Jânio Quadros, who had resigned from the presidency, which was due to end in January 1966.
IV. During his term, President CasteloBranco abolished the thirteen existing political parties in Brazil and created only two parties.
V. Despite having formed a government considered hard-line, Castelo Branco preserved the powers of the National Congress and freedom of the press.
Only what is stated in:
(A) I, II and V.
(B) I, III and IV.
(C) II, IV and V.
(D) II, III and IV.
(E) III, IV and V.

Question 09 - Mackenzie 2013 - (...) the new government policy started to encompass two action plans; in one, more immediate, the correction of the deformations that revealed all the manifestations of the Brazilian political-military, economic, social and external development process; on the other, the adoption of a strategy to trigger a surge of progress, also in that integrated sense, taking into account the Brazilian reality as a whole. , and authority, according to the constitutional principle.
Castelo Branco, message to the National Congress, 1965. Mark the alternative that contains the most complete synthesis regarding the historical and political context of the text above. a) The need of the current government to impose internal peace, given that that in the previous moment the then president João Goulart had assumed, before foreign governments, socialist agreements that threatened national sovereignty.
b) The Castelo Branco government assumed the priority concern with maintaining the internal order of the country, promoting strong police repression against several entities, such as unions and aUNE, foci of political resistance to the 1964 coup.
c) Believing that order and progress walked together to achieve national reconstruction, all the economic measures taken during his government had the unrestricted support and popular approval.
d) The need to abandon the reformist nationalism implemented during the Jânio Quadros and adopt an economic model with the support of the military, foreign investors and large national businessmen.
e) The first revision of the National Constitution was carried out in order to increase the political power of the Executive in order to contain the threat of the proliferation of socialist or communist ideals in our country.
FEEDBACK 01 - B02 - D03 - D04 - A05 - A06 - A07 - D
08 - B
09 - B