Historical story

The religious lines of Brazil

In recent years in Brazil, the multiplication of Protestant churches has reduced the number of Catholics. In some of these churches, rituals are developed that are based on greater proximity between God and the faithful. Based on a simplification of Christian principles and the reduction of theological reflections, difficult for the simplest people. Some even use exorcism, preaching miracles and the ability, for example, to heal through prayer, through the blessings of the pastors.

These currents are considered fundamentalist, as they reduce the issue of religion, of the approximation of man with God, to the phenomenon of faith. It is notorious the growth of churches that follow this line of thinking in our country. There is a huge conflict between them and the State, as they are accused of exploiting people's faith for their own benefit, charging the tithe and using it for purposes apparently unrelated to religious issues.

The Catholic Church, on the other hand, has been presenting an internal dispute between conservatives and progressives. The latter believe in the greater social action of the Church in underdeveloped countries, given the serious issues we face such as hunger, the high infant mortality rate, the excessive exploitation of labor, the problem of land, among others. There is a third current that defends paths similar to those chosen by Protestant churches. It is the so-called charismatic movement, which has sought a return, or at least a greater presence of faith in Catholic worship. Charismatics find their popular appeal in healing ills by the laying on of hands. In the end, what matters is the faith of each one in the supreme power, that is, in faith in God.