Millennium History

History of South America

  • Regency Period

    The Regency Period (1831-1840) was the time when Brazil was ruled by regencies, as the heir to the throne was a minor. This period is characterized by moments of great turmoil in Brazil with several civil uprisings. It ends with the Majority Coup that brought D. Pedro II to the throne at the age o

  • Economic Miracle

    Economic Miracle or Brazilian economic miracle corresponds to the economic growth that took place in Brazil between 1968 and 1973. This period was characterized by the acceleration of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth, industrialization and low inflation. However, behind the prosperity, there wa

  • Brazil Republic

    Brazil Republic is the period of the History of Brazil, which began with the Proclamation of the Republic . The Republic was proclaimed on November 15, 1889 and is still in force today. The Brazilian Republic is divided into: Old Republic or First Republic Era Vargas or New Republic Populist Repu

  • War of the Contested

    The War of Contestado (1912 – 1916) took place in the Southern Region of Brazil, between the borders of Paraná and Santa Catarina , and it was a socio-political conflict caused by the dispute over these territories, so it is called contested. Causes The reason for the conflict was due to the fact t

  • Governors' Policy

    The Governors Policy was a political agreement signed during the period of the Old Republic (1889-1930). The intention was to unite the interests of local politicians marked by the state oligarchies of the time together with the federal government, in order to guarantee the control of political pow

  • Sugar Mill in Colonial Brazil

    The sugar mill designates the place where sugar was produced during the colonial period. These mills appeared in the 16th century, when sugarcane was planted in Brazil. They had buildings for the milling of sugar cane, places to transform the juice into molasses and rapadura, a chapel, a house for

  • Oligarchic Republic

    The Oligarchic Republic (1894-1930) is characterized by the alternation of power between the coffee oligarchies of the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo. The presidents of this time were elected, in most cases, by the São Paulo Republican Party and the Mineiro Republican Party. From the 1930s o

  • Tenentismo

    The tenentismo was asociopolitical phenomenon of the early 1920s, when a political-military movement gained strength in barracks distributed throughout the national territory, where a series of rebellions carried out by young officers of low and medium ranks of the Brazilian Army. Evidently unhappy

  • Constitutional Government

    The Constitutional (or Constitutionalist) government lasted from 1934 to 1937 and is considered the second stage of the Vargas Era. The period begins with the promulgation of the 1934 Constitution and the indirect election of Getúlio Vargas for President of the Republic by the National Constituent

  • Census Vote

    The census vote or suffrage is the right to vote granted to a certain group of people who fulfill certain economic requirements. Origin The census vote emerged at the end of the Ancien Régime with the liberal revolts that took over the European and American continents. Inspired by Enlightenment and

  • Pau-Brasil Cycle

    Thebrazilwood cycle occurred during the pre-colonial phase (1500-1530) of Brazil. It was the first product to be explored by the Portuguese during the time of colonization. The pau-brasil is a tree native to the Atlantic Forest that was already used by the Indians for dyeing fabrics. So, when the P

  • Constitutional Monarchy

    The Constitutional Monarchy or Parliamentary Monarchy, is a form of government in which the king is the Head of State either hereditary or electively, but his powers are limited by the constitution. While in the absolutist monarchy the king was not accountable to parliament, in the constitutional m

  • Female Vote in Brazil

    The female vote in Brazil it was conquered in 1932 and incorporated into the 1934 Constitution as optional. Only the Electoral Code of 1965 equated the female vote with that of men. Origins Empire – Second Reign The history of womens suffrage in Brazil begins when women begin to demand more rights

  • Borba Gato

    Manuel de Borba Gato was a pioneer from São Paulo, discoverer of gold and held the position of ordinary judge in Sabará. He participated in the Emboabas War and was the son-in-law of the pioneer Fernão Dias Pais. Borba Gatos Biography Manuel de Borba Gato was born in São Paulo in 1649. His paren

  • Stop the African Slave Trade

    The End the African Slave Trade was motivated by economic, humanitarian and religious reasons. Throughout the 19th century, several European nations banned the slave trade and abolished slavery in their colonies due to a change in mentality and in the way of production. Abstract With the consolida

  • Brazilian Constitutions

    In the History of Brazil, since its Independence in 1822, the country is represented by one of the most important documents of a nation, called “Constitution ”. This document composed of titles (paragraphs and articles), which presents the political and legal relations of a country, exposes the rig

  • Abolition of Slavery in Brazil

    The abolition of slavery in Brazil took place on May 13, 1888 , through the Golden Law , signed by Princess Isabel. This law freed slaves in Brazil after nearly 400 years of slavery. Historical Context The period that became known as Colonial Brazil (1530-1815) was marked by the Portuguese presence

  • Jean-Baptiste Debret

    Jean-Baptiste Debret (1768-1848) was a French painter who left a very important collection for the study of Brazilian history. He was Napoleons court painter, as well as being official painter of the Portuguese Crown in Brazil. It is for this reason that his works depict official events and that he

  • Getúlio Vargas

    Getúlio Dornelles Vargas was a lawyer, politician and president of Brazil born in the city of São Borja (RS), on April 19, 1882 and died on August 24, 1954. Vargas made his political career in Rio Grande do Sul and reached the presidency of the Republic in 1930. He was the longest-serving preside

  • Economic Crisis in Brazil

    The economic crisis from Brazil started around 2014. For some analysts, the country should only come out of recession in 2020. Origin Brazils economic crisis is attributed to a number of factors, as it would be impossible to pinpoint just one reason to explain it. We can understand it from Brazil

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