Millennium History

History of Europe

  • Γιατί η Ελλάδα δεν βοήθησε την Κύπρο το 1974; Οι δικαιολογίες του Αβέρωφ

    Το 1974 ο Ευάγγελος Αβέρωφ ήταν υπουργός Εξωτερικών στην κυβέρνηση του Κωνσταντίνου Καραμανλή. Σε αγόρευση του στο κοινοβούλιο ο Αβέρωφ είχε πει σχετικά με την κυπριακή τραγωδία:«Μας κατηγόρησαν τότε γιατί δεν στείλαμε στην Κύπρο τα Phantom. Phantom είχαμε παραλάβει 18 εν συνόλω. Με διαταγή του Καρα

  • Treason document of Cyprus... The Alfantakis memorandum - 1974

    The abandonment – ​​betrayal for others – of Cyprus took place, without a doubt, on the crucial days between July 15 and 20, 1974. On those days, on the one hand, Makarios asked for the assistance of the guarantor forces and on the other else some in Athens attempt to entertain the feeling of an imm

  • Yannis, Turks, does not testify, no matter what happens! Slap the executioner!

    Ioannis Boubaras was born at the end of the 19th century in the mountainous village of Vlasti Eordaia, southwest of Ptolemaida. The village offered to the Nation the new martyr Markos and his lads in the various revolutions of the Greeks against the Turks. Father Kosmas Aitolos had passed through th

  • When the Greek kids weren't burning the Flag, they were raising it in the faces of their enemies

    Once upon a time, even in the midst of the horrible German, Italian and Bulgarian occupation, Greek children did not occupy, did not hold demonstrations in favor of murderers, did not burn the Flag, the sacred symbol of the Nation. This is a story about those Greek children, of war and occupation, t

  • Alexon:The unknown Greek mercenary warrior, savior of two cities

    Greece has always produced, among other things, warriors. Already from Mycenaean times, Greek mercenaries fought in the service of foreign states and kings. Among the best known were the Myrians, or the famous Spartan Carthaginian general Xanthippos. Another very little to little known was Alexon

  • Has the oldest monastery in the world been found? Murals in Greek

    With wall paintings in Greek, the members of a Norwegian-French archaeological expedition discovered in the Oasis of Baharea, what is considered to be the oldest monastic monument, perhaps not only in Egypt, but worldwide. It is a monument that has been built gradually over a period of time between

  • An unknown Greek triumph:15,000 enemy dead and captured

    One of the most unknown, although victorious, battles of the ancient Greeks against their eternal rivals in the West, the Carthaginians, took place in Kavala, Sicily. There is little information about the battle buried in the mist of centuries. Not even the exact year of its holding has been preserv

  • Μέχρις Εσχάτων! Στην εκκλησιά του Αγ. Γεωργίου με λόγχες, γροθιές, κεραμίδια

    Η μάχη του Πέτα, στις 4 Ιουλίου 1822, υπήρξε από τις καταστροφικότερες για τα ελληνικά όπλα κατά την Επανάσταση του 1821. Υπήρξε όμως και μια από τις ενδοξότερες όπου οι Έλληνες τακτικοί στρατιώτες, λίγοι Φιλέλληνες και Επτανήσιοι, πολέμησαν κάτι παραπάνω από ηρωικά αν και γνώριζαν ότι οι «βάρβαροι

  • Έλληνες Εβραίοι:Το πρώτο τρένο θανάτου προς το Άουσβιτς, 78 χρόνια μετά

    «Αγαπημένο μου παιδί, σου γράφω αυτές τις γραμμές με τα μάτια γεμάτα δάκρυα και την καρδιά παγωμένη από τον τρόμο», έγραφε η Σαρίνα Σαλτιέλ στον γιο της Μορίς, στις 17 Μαρτίου 1943, δύο ημέρες μετά την αναχώρηση του πρώτου “τρένου του θανάτου” για το Άουσβιτς- Μπίρκεναου. Δύο ημέρες μετά το πρώτο εκ

  • Acropolis of Athens October 7, 1826:Pits, fire, wounds... GLORY

    Kioutahis Pasha, head of strong Turkish forces, had invaded Attica in July 1826. After a series of clashes, he confined the much smaller Greeks to the Acropolis. On September 30, the guard of the Acropolis, Ioannis Gouras, was killed. Taking advantage of the fact, Kioutachis launched continuous atta

  • Pharaoh Amos:Egypt's liberator from the mysterious Hyksos

    Amos the first Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty and the brother of Kamos, the last king of the 17th Dynasty, was a special personality of ancient history. He was the Pharaoh who freed the slave in the Syro-Canaanite Hyksos part of Egypt, unified the country and established it as a superpower of the then

  • 1821-2021! 200 years of Navy history in a VIDEO

    With a comprehensive video that combines historical retrospection with todays reality, the Navy is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the Revolution of 1821. From the three fleets of the Revolution (Hydra, Spetses and Psara), the Branch, with a thundering presence in all the struggles of the Natio

  • 1821:The unknown heroes of the Revolution from Eastern Macedonia

    In Kavala, Drama and the wider area of ​​eastern Macedonia, with the exception of the island of Thassos, there were no revolutionary movements against the Turkish yoke in 1821. For more than five and a half centuries, from 1325 to 1913, the Ottoman power was the dominant military and political power

  • From the Revolution of 1821 to the establishment of "Protection"... (PART A')

    This text is part of his original scientific work under the title The establishment of the Protection in Greece and the role of the English Party, taking into account the Geopolitics of Naval Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean Subsystem:Combined Neo-Marxist , Realist and Geopolitical Analysis, whic

  • "Leonid Security Battalion", the birth of a unit of "German soldiers"

    The security battalions began to be formed in 1943, when the occupying government of I. Ralli realized that ELAS was trying to bring the country under its control, sidelining or even eliminating the other resistance organizations. Much has been said about these controversial sections indeed. The bat

  • 1821:Turkish official trembles for the Ottoman Empire (vid.)

    At the beginning of the Revolution, a Turkish official expresses his concern for the fate of the Ottoman Empire, due to the fact that it is unjust to its subjects. On the occasion of the celebration of the national milestone of 200 years since the Revolution of 1821, ERT broadcasts every day a diffe

  • Macedonia the Greek land:Asclepius Sanctuary in ancient Morillo-Kilkis

    The healer of Asklepios and the ancient city of Moryllos are being searched by the archaeologists of the Ephorate of Antiquities of Kilkis under the settlement of Ano Apostolo, which is located eighteen kilometers southwest of the city of Kilkis. Crowds of people from neighboring or even more distan

  • Οι Έλληνες συντρίβουν τους βαρβάρους με τα “τανκς” της αρχαιότητας – 275 π.Χ.

    Οι Γαλάτες είχαν επιτεθεί στην Ελλάδα, σπέρνοντας τον τρόμο και τον θάνατο. Παρόλα αυτά αποκρούστηκαν τελικά και υποχρεώθηκαν να καταφύγουν στη Μικρά Ασία. Περνώντας τον Ελλήσποντο οι βάρβαροι Γαλάτες άρχισαν να λεηλατούν τα πάντα στο πέρασμά τους. Τα γαλατικά στίφη ξεχύθηκαν ανεξέλεγκτα καταστρέφον

  • Ο πρώτος αίτιος της ήττας του 1897… Πολιτικάντης πολύ, διοικητής καθόλου

    Ελλάδα και Τουρκία (Οθωμανική αυτοκρατορία) συγκρούστηκαν, ανεπίσημα, πολλές φορές μετά την επανάσταση του 1821. Η μεγάλη κρίση τελικά ξέσπασε με την έκρηξη της νέας κρητικής επανάστασης, το 1896. Τον Φεβρουάριο του 1897 η ελληνική κυβέρνηση έστειλε στην Κρήτη ένα μικτό απόσπασμα υπό τις διαταγές το

  • Σταυρός, Παναγία, Άγιοι! “Το θαύμα της Ρόδου”- Σφαγή των Τούρκων εξ ουρανού;

    Το 1480 ο Μωάμεθ Β΄Πορθητής φάνταζε απόλυτος κυρίαρχος στην Ανατολική Μεσόγειο μετά τη νίκη του επί των Βενετών. Στα Δωδεκάνησα έδρευε, εκείνη την εποχή, το Τάγμα των Ιπποτών του Αγίου Ιωάννη.  Οι ιππότες είχαν κατακτήσει τα Δωδεκάνησα δημιουργώντας ένα μικρό ναυτικό κράτος που συνέχιζε πάντα τον πό

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