Norma Shearer plays Marie Antoinette in the 1938 film of the same name
In the video (from youtube.com) which I inserted at the bottom of the post you can see the final scene of the famous film of 1938 Marie Antoinette , that of the execution of the ex queen of France, played by Norma Shearer, nomination Oscar for the role.
Despite the undisputed value of the film and the talent of much of the cast (in the guise of Fersen there is Tyrone Power ), in my humble opinion this particular sequence is excessively dull, a characteristic that may be there given its drama, but which, in my opinion, does not reflect the very proud character of Marie Antoinette and clashes with the testimonies that have come down to us, which indeed tell of a a woman now destroyed by pain (and by illness, as the woman suffered from continuous uterine hemorrhages), but determined to take her last earthly steps with dignity, firmness and courage.
In short:the chronicles tell of a Marie Antoinette with a look that is perhaps partly absent but always straight, who never cries and almost never (or even never) turns to look around her.
In short, the execution of Marie Antoinette, according to the sources, must have been somewhat different from the reconstruction made of it in this film ( see https://www.pilloledistoria.it/8333/storia-moderna/le-ultime-ore-di-maria-antonietta)
Judge for yourself:good vision.