History quiz

History Exercises on Dilma Rousseff's Impeachment - with feedback

Question 01 - INAZ do Pará - (Adapted) 2016 - CRO-RJ - Analyst - Information Technology - The impeachment process of President Dilma Rousseff began on December 2, 2015, by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Eduardo Cunha, based on a complaint for a crime of responsibility offered by retired prosecutor Hélio Bicudo and lawyers Miguel Reale Júnior and Janaina Paschoal. Check the alternative below that presents the reasons for the impeachment of the president. (A) Illicit enrichment due to accumulation of capital in a personal bank account. (B) Dilma's impeachment falls under the budgetary and administrative improbity laws. (C) The accusation is solely due to her involvement in acts of corruption at Petrobras. (D) Misappropriation of funds for the political campaign was discovered, originating from an undeclared private company. (E) Since the beginning of the process, President Dilma has been accused of embezzlement.
Question 02 - FDSBC - During 2016, the impeachment process of President Dilma Rousseff provoked broad popular mobilizations. Regarding these demonstrations, it is correct to say that they (A) unified the action of the political parties and the population of the country in support of the final decision of the Senate, in favor of the removal of the president. (B) they were divided between those who defended the legality of the impeachment process of the president and those who compared it to a coup act. (C) were mostly in favor of the president's permanence in office and against the development of the impeachment process. (D) were characterized by respect for the diversity of opinions and political wills, avoiding confrontations and physical clashes.

Question 03 - (Adapted) CONSULPAM - 2017 - City Hall of Ibiapina - CE - In 2016 we had the impeachment of former president Dilma Rousseff. The request accepted by the National Congress was based on:a) The former president had committed a Crime of Responsibility, in practices known as fiscal pedaling. b) The former president would have committed Common Crime, in practices known as fiscal pedaling. c) The former president would have committed an Attempt to Obstruction of Justice for having tried to appoint Lula as minister. d) The ex-president would have committed a Crime of Responsibility when traveling in a presidential plane giving a ride to ex-president Lula.
Question 04 - Excellence Institute - 2017 - Tremembé City Hall - SP - School Official - The impeachment of Dilma Rousseff was one of the most important recent events in Brazil, from a political point of view. In this regard, mark the CORRECT alternative:a) In his speech, former president Fernando Collor adopted a conciliatory tone with the opposition, shouting “There will be no coup”. temporarily from the post. Her deputy, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, took over the post on an interim basis. c) A Special Commission on Impeachment was set up to investigate the allegations in the process, hear witnesses for the prosecution and the defense, and debate the case politically and legally. d) None of the alternatives.

Question 05 - METROCAPITAL - 2016 - City Council of Leme - SP - On 08/31/2016, the vote that defined the impeachment of Dilma Rousseff was held in the Senate plenary. At the request of senators allied with Dilma, the president of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), Minister Ricardo Lewandowski, decided to hold two votes in the plenary. The first analyzed only whether Dilma should lose the mandate of president of the Republic. Subsequently, the senators considered whether Dilma should be ineligible for eight years from January 1, 2019.
With regard to the 1st vote, it is correct to state:
(A) The Senate approved the impeachment with simple majority of votes.
(B) The Senate did not pass the impeachment.
(C) The Senate passed the impeachment unanimously.
(D) The Senate passed the impeachment with a majority of 3 /5 of votes.
Question 06 - Palhoça City Hall - SC - 2016 - Palhoça City Hall - SC - Early Years Teacher - With the decision to cancel the mandate of former President Dilma Rousseff from the Presidency of the Republic, Mr. Michel Temer, as he is:a) Vice-President of the Republic. b) President of the Chamber.c) Second place in the elections for President of the Republic.d) President of the Senate.

01 - B
02 - B
03 - A
04 - C
05 - D
06 - A