The protests that took to the streets of Brazil during the month of June 2013 were originally motivated by a problem that afflicts a large part of the population living in large cities in the country, namely,
(A) the increase in unemployment and the precariousness of work.
(B) the high cost and poor quality of the public health system.
(C) ) the increase in urban violence and the high cost of public security.
(D) the lack of places in basic education and the precariousness of the public education system.
(E) the high cost and poor quality of the public transport system.
Question 02 - FUVEST 2018 - Transfer - 1st Phase - The so-called “June Journeys”, which took place in Brazil in 2013,
a) explained the political crisis and the weakening of the so-called coalition presidentialism.
b) were led by extreme left groups and sectors marginalized in Brazilian society.
c) proposed a broad political and social reform through the establishment of a Constituent Assembly.
d) were the expression of political sectors concerned with guaranteeing the social advances established by the 1988 Constitution. .
e) reinforced the importance of political parties for solving Brazilian social problems.
Question 03 - UFPR 2014 - Below are two of the numerous appropriations of Brazilian national symbols during the June 2013 demonstrations in several cities across the country.

About national symbols and their appropriations, consider the following statements:
1. National symbols, such as the national anthem and the flag, were created in line with popular aspirations present in the periods of both independence and the proclamation of the republic and the old republic, which explains their intense use in popular demonstrations until the present day.
2. In figure B, the modification of the original motto of the flag, “Ordem e Progresso”, of positivist inspiration, to the motto “In progress” demonstrates the will for political and social change expressed in the demonstrations, based on a popular initiative. 3. The appropriation of national symbols helped to bring together social forces from different social strata, especially the urban middle classes, in street demonstrations and social networks, in a broad questioning of the actions of the State, political parties and living conditions current. 4. National symbols had different meanings during the June 2013 demonstrations – from non-partisanship, which demanded the union of the people in favor of social and political changes, to anti-partyism, which turned against parties in general and left-wing parties in particular. . Tick the correct alternative. a) Only statements 2, 3 and 4 are true. b) Only statements 1, 2 and 4 are true. c) Only statements 1, 3 and 4 are true. d) Only statements 2 and 3 are true. e) Only statements 1 and 4 are true.
Question 04 - Unilavras - 2018 - Municipality of Bom Despacho - MG - Municipal Public Manager - History -
“It has been four years since the country was convulsed by the protests that came to be called, in a somewhat pompous way, the June Days. As they loomed around a stunned political class, commentators greeted with awed reverence what looked like a new Storming of the Bastille. An insurrection of the citizens was imagined, but not a passing wave. Perhaps it is this naivety that makes that moment seem so old, after we were trampled by what would come:reelection, recession, Operation Car Wash, impeachment, Temer government. Much less than a revolution, the Vinegar Revolt (demonstrators used the substance in the belief that it would reduce the effects of tear gas), was a harbinger, unusual as lightning in a blue sky in that 2013 when inflation was below 6% and the economy was growing at 3%. (...) The demonstrations [...] followed an international pattern determined by mobilization through social networks, and it is not fortuitous that they are also called the Brazilian Spring. (...)” (Folha de São Paulo, 06/18/2017, p. 2 Ilustríssima. V de Vinagre. Otávio Frias Filho)
Based on the text and the context in which the demonstrations of June 2013 registered, it can be said that
A) the so-called June Days that took place in Brazil are part of a range of popular demonstrations that, for different reasons, under different forms and with different scopes and results, spread across the world , like the Arab Spring, Occupy Wall Street and Los Indignados, which took place, respectively, in the Middle East and North Africa, the United States and Spain.
B) were movements that originated exclusively from the discontent of the Brazilian population in the face of the Labor and Social Security Reform, carried out by the government at the time.
C) through the actions of the so-called Black Blocks, creators of the protests, they managed to mobilize protesters across the country, especially through the use of social networks, important tool for communication and dissemination of ideas, whose use by social movements has proved to be fruitful.
D) the article received the title V of Vinegar in a clear allusion to the use of vinegar to manufacture materials such as bombs and Molotov cocktails that, they even led to the arrest of protesters who held the product during the protests.
Question 05 - UFT 2018.1 - Transfer - The June 2013 Journeys were citizen demonstrations that took place in the current Brazilian political system, later assumed as political and ideological movements that acted in the impeachment of Dilma Roussef, in 2016. In the initial organization of these journeys, there was:
(A) Landless Movement.
(B) Free Pass Movement.
(C) Amnesty Movement.
(D) São Paulo Homeless Movement.
(E) Free Brazil Movement.
Question 06 - FUVEST 2017 - Transfer –

As you can see in the headline, the proposal for free public urban transport in the city of São Paulo it's not new. The headline refers to a project that was not voted on by the City Council at the time mentioned. But, in recent years, this discussion has resurfaced by the Movimento Passe Livre (MPL). The current mayor says that he doesn't have “... how to pay for the total free buses”. The MPL claims:
a) free fares for buses and other public transport for the elderly and students, with costs to be shared with other segments of society.
b) social equality not only public transport as well as private transport, with resources to be obtained through the increase in the collection of taxes and fines.
c) quality public transport, free for the population as a whole, with resources to be obtained through the increase in the collection of progressive taxes.
d) the guarantee of institutional democracy and the gradual implementation of free transport, with resources to be obtained through international credits.
e) the free movement of people and goods in the areas urban areas, with resources to be obtained from the toll rates present on the roads around the city.
Attention! The following text will serve as a reference for questions 07 and 08. In mid-2013, in front of the world sporting event called the “Confederations Cup”, held in the “Country of Football”, innumerable popular demonstrations erupted. People from different locations occupied the streets of cities. These events became known as “June Journeys”. [...] The June Journeys in Brazil can be seen as an unfolding of a greater feeling, at a global level, which had its preludes in 2011, with the simultaneous and contagious outbreak of social movements and protest demonstrations with particular claims in different regions of the planet, but with very similar forms of struggle and awareness of mutual solidarity. [...] The June Journeys were plural, as were the actors on the scene. They were not hegemonic movements. Not even when actions that took place in the same city and at the same moment of implementation are observed. Historically, the Brazilian people have been systematically the target of an attempt to exclude action in republican life, either through the use of force or through a welfarist and gift-giving political culture. The historicity of power relations in Brazil would be the exemplary expression of social resentment. On the other hand, a model of democracy is built that is not capable of building spaces for listening and speaking. Colony, Empire and Republic, in each historical time, Brazil built its resentments. You fed them. [...] More than “claiming the voice of those who are forced to suffer in silence”, it is necessary to build a path of emancipation and political autonomy.
(Text adapted from COTTA, Francis Albert. Voices from the Streets:Resentments and Popular Manifestations in June 2013. Belo Horizonte:Edições Superiores, 2017, p. 23-30 and 161-163).
Question 07 - FUMARC - 2018 - SEE-MG - Basic Education Teacher - History -
The author compares the Jornadas de Junho with other movements that erupted on the planet from 2008 onwards, with similar modus operandi. Such movements:
(A) They consisted of protests with particular claims in various regions of the planet, but with very similar forms of struggle and awareness of mutual solidarity.
(B) They undertook occupations of squares and made use of communication networks, pamphlets and social networks, inaugurating a brand new institutional space for claims and struggles.
(C) New social pacts were established from the emergence of new groups that make up the so-called new middle class, therefore, without including neither the upper class nor the poor.
(D) They showed concern for horizontal organization and free and open debates in the selection of agendas and action, which made the movement and strategies centralized and systematic.
( E) They had as a backdrop the social, economic and financial crisis that has been going on since 2008, without deeper discussion about ideology and transformation of political models.
Question 08 - FUMARC - 2018 - SEE-MG - Professor of and Basic Education - History -
In the explanation of the June Journeys as plural movements, it is CORRECT to state:
(A) The categorization is of essentially social movements, whose claims are dissatisfaction with society's values, do not therefore involve , other traditional instances of demonstrations, such as economics and politics.
(B) The formation of the plurality of demands seen on the streets is essentially linked to the impact of social networks on the political formation of society, which clearly replaces politics and the school in this process.
(C) The plurality shown on the streets reflects the current impasse of democracy, especially with the advances of democratization itself, and party fragmentation has taken groups with different demands to the streets.
( D) The different agendas were related to the distinction of the idea of people, divided into two categories:the common people, who only defend social policies, and the middle class sectors, dissatisfied with such policies.
(E) As J ornadas confirm that, with the weakening of traditional political groups, such as unions, parties and social movements, the people have preferred to represent themselves directly in politics.
Question 09 - CESGRANRIO - 2014 - IBGE - Research and Mapping Agent -
In spite of everything, the common citizen is the Brazilian of the Year 2013. People who fight for existence without claiming hero medals. The year 2013 was one of those precious periods in which the common man decided to force everyone to hear his voice and became the protagonist. The indignation against the increase in fares and the revolt against police violence were the triggers. Different generations then took on the role of protesters, demanding cheap transport, decent public services, justice and the right to free expression. IstoÉ, year 37, n. 2298, 04 Dec. 2013, p. 57. Adapted.
The demonstrations mentioned in the text, which took place in several Brazilian capitals, refer to the group of street protests called
(A) Walk of the Hundred Thousand
(B) Diretas Já!
(C) June days
(D) Painted faces
(E) Arab Spring
Question 10 - UNIFOR 2014.1 - As of June 2013, several popular demonstrations took place in Brazil, spread throughout the country, which, after the peaceful beginning, were characterized by the use of violence and actions of destruction of private and public patrimony.
About these demonstrations, he points out CORRECT alternative.
(A) The initial reason for the protests was the volume of traffic jams in large Brazilian urban centers due to the increase in the number of urban buses.
(B) The use of social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, had little influence on the organization of popular demonstrations in June. (C) Initially created to protest against increases in public transport fares in large Brazilian cities, the demonstrations were also against public spending on major international sporting events and political corruption in general.
(D) ) Black bloc is the name given to police units, whose uniforms are black, used to control violence against protesters.
(E) The appearance and organization of the demonstrations in Brazil is not similar to the protests that took place in other countries, such as the Arab Spring, in the Arab world, Occupy Wall St, in the United States, and Los Indignados, in Spain.
01 - E
02 - A
03 - A
04 - A
05 - B
06 - C
07 - A
08 - C
09 - C
10 - C