History quiz

History Exercises on the First Republic - PUC-RIO - with feedback

Question 01 - PUC-RIO 2006/2 - During the First Republic (1889-1930), there were, in Brazilian society, revolts that, despite the differences, expressed the dissatisfaction and criticism of popular groups regarding the mechanisms of social and political exclusion and the strategies of expansion of oligarchic interests , then in force. Mark the statement that CORRECTLY identifies revolts of this nature:(A) Guerra de Canudos and Revolta da Vacina; (B) Federalist Revolt and Contestado War; (C) Vaccine Revolt and Armada Revolt; (D) Lash Revolt and Federalist Revolt; (E) Contestado War and Armada Revolt.
Question 02 - PUC-RIO 2003/2 - During the First Republic in Brazil (1889-1930), the Governors' Policy or "Coffee with Milk Policy" represented:(A) an economic policy to encourage the production and export of coffee and milk. (B) the predominance, in the political command of the Federal Government, of the São Paulo and Minas Gerais oligarchies. (C) the reaction of the oligarchies of Rio de Janeiro and Rio Grande do Sul against the São Paulo monopoly of power. (D) an advertising campaign promoted by the federal government aimed at attracting foreign investors, through the dissemination of Brazil's riches. (E) an investment policy in basic necessities in order to supply the food supply of the expanding urban population.
Question 03 - PUC-RIO 2016 - Regarding the period of the First Republic (1889-1930), it is CORRECT to state that:(A) the themes of the nation and citizenship gained centrality in the 1891 Constitution, with attention paid to social problems and political participation, with labor laws and a significant extension of the right to vote. (B) violence and the risk of fraud in elections were reduced – as well as political bargaining, the sale of votes and dependence on local leaders, with the State fighting illicit expedients. (C) there was a strong and centralizing State that limited the autonomy of state power and guaranteed control over the production and commercialization of the main Brazilian agricultural products. (D) there was a liberal order and a federative organization, the political dominance of the state oligarchies and the strength of the colonels in the municipalities, in addition to a restricted electoral participation. (E) there was a rejection of foreign capital in promoting the urbanization of Brazilian cities and also the State incentive to industrialization, which overcame the fragility of an economy once dependent on agro-exports.
Question 04 - PUC-RIO 2020 - The First Brazilian Republic was a period of intense transformations in the political, economic, social and cultural spheres. In terms of labor relations, the recent abolition of slavery – in 1888 – transformed enslaved workers into free ones. In practice, however, the desired social rights and the valorization of work had to be claimed through daily struggles, fought by different organized groups. About the struggles of the labor movement in the First Republic, mark the INCORRECT statement. (A) Trade unions constitute the basis of workers' organization in the First Republic, being the predominant type of organization and tending to be the form prioritized by the workers' movement, at least until the second half of the 1910s. (B) Workers managed to disseminate a experience of demands, consolidating ideals and practices of struggle. These transformations were the result of a daily action, which took place in factories, in class associations and on the streets, suffering systematic refusal from the bosses, but with broad support from the State and the police. (C) In addition to mutual societies and resistance societies in their various varieties and instances, a wide variety of forms of worker organization coexisted in the First Republic, such as consumer and production cooperatives and cultural, recreational, educational and cultural associations. policies. (D) In ​​1922, with the founding of the Communist Party of Brazil, a new ideological current was consolidated in the labor movement, which had been gestating since the end of the previous decade, in the wake of the influence of the Russian Revolution. (E) The main demands raised by the labor movement in the early years of the First Republic, excluding salary issues, were:eight hours of work; the regulation of women's work (with rules that protect pregnancy) and of minors; a work accident law.
Question 04 - PUC-RIO 2012/2 - The “crisis of the 20s” or “crisis of the First Republic” was a period of criticism of the prevailing political and social order and of reflections on Brazilian national identity. Regarding the manifestations that expressed the crisis of the 1920s, it is NOT CORRECT to state that:a) modernism, by thematizing Brazilian national identity, valued the specificity and singularity of Brazilian culture. b) the military, through the young officers, expressed their dissatisfaction with the particularist interests of the state oligarchies. c) workers organized themselves, through unions and parties, to demand the enactment of labor laws. d) educators proposed new school practices, and hygienists invested in the creation of public bodies to promote sanitation and public health. e) the state political parties demanded the extension of the vote to women, young people over 16 years of age and the illiterate.
GABARITO 01 - The Federalist Revolt and the Armada Revolt expressed the dissatisfaction of military groups.
02 - B
03 - D
04 - B
05 - E The political parties, in the years 20, did not demand the extension of the vote to women, young people over 16 years old and the illiterate. The female vote is included in the Electoral Code of 1932. Only after 1985 was there an extension of the vote to young people over 16 years old and to the illiterate.