History quiz

History Exercises on the Eusébio de Queirós Law - with feedback

Question 01 - FUVEST 2009 - Transfer – The Eusébio de Queirós law, of 1850, which prohibited the slave trade in the country, was approved, aiming to a) follow the same procedure adopted at the time by other slave countries in America. b) stop the outflow of capital, resulting from the profits made by the slave trade under Portuguese control. c) respond to diplomatic and military pressure from the British government on the Brazilian government to prohibit trafficking. d) satisfy the growing mobilization of national and international public opinion against slavery. e) separate slavery from the slave trade, thus preserving the interests of slave owners.
Question 02 - UFT 2017.2 - Transfer - The Eusébio de Queiroz Law, passed in September 1850, is of great importance in the history of Brazil, for taking the first step towards the end of slavery. This law guaranteed: (The) extinction of the slave trade. (B) liberation of slave women. (C) release of slaves over 70 years old. (D) construction of government quilombos. (And) freedom of children born after that date
Question 03 - UPF 2018.1 - “It was a Dantesque dream… the deck Which of the lights reddens the glow. In blood to bathe. Clink of irons… crack of whip… Legions of men black as the night, Horrendous dancing… Black women, hanging from the teats Thin children, whose black mouths Water their mothers' blood:Other girls, but naked and amazed,In the whirlwind of dragged specters,In vain anguish and grief!”(ALVES, Castro. O Navio Negreiro. São Paulo:Global, 2016)This is it a part of the poem “O Navio Negreiro”, written in 1869 by the Bahian poet Castro Alves. The Eusébio de Queiroz law, which prohibited the slave trade to Brazil, was enacted in 1850. Castro Alves, who supported the abolitionist cause, would have written this poem 19 years after the aforementioned law, with the aim of a) preventing the repeal of the law which prohibited the transatlantic traffic of black Africans, as was the wish of many traffickers who had lost their lucrative businesses. b) abolish slavery, at least in the region where it was born, Bahia, which, in the 19th century, was the main slaveholding region in Brazil. c) persuade intellectuals who were his contemporaries to adhere to the abolitionist cause, such as Joaquim Nabuco, Luís Gama and José do Patrocínio, recognized slavers.d) to dramatize in verses the suffering of black Africans at the moment they had to leave their land towards Brazil, transported in the holds of slave ships, in order to contribute to the fight for the end of slavery . e) just preserve the memory of the suffering of Africans who had been enslaved, because, in 1869, Brazil had already abolished slavery, being the last country on the American continent to end the shameful practice.

Question 04 - CEFET-MG - 2012 - External and Subsequent Concomitance Technician -
“1850 did not mark only the middle of the century in Brazil. It was the year of several measures that tried to change the physiognomy of the country, leading it towards what was then considered modernity.”(FAUSTO, Boris. História do Brasil. 2nd ed. São Paulo:EDUSP/FDE, 1995. p. 197.)
Among the measures adopted that year, those that decisively contributed to replacing slave labor with free labor (o)
a) Land Law and the Commercial Code.
b) Land Law and Eusébio de Queiroz Law.
c) Commercial Code and the centralization of the National Guard.
d) Eusébio de Queiroz Law and the centralization of the National Guard.

Question 05 - UNIFOR - 2001.1 - From a social point of view, the Euzébio de Queirós Law (1850) made it possible, in Brazil, to strengthen the abolitionist movement, stimulating European immigration in the second half of the 19th century, which would be absorbed by the partnership and by wage labor.
(B) the impoverishment of the agrarian aristocracy due to the great losses resulting from the extinction of the slave trade and the implantation of wage labor in the first half of the 19th century.
(C) the decline of the internal commerce of slaves, favoring significant changes in the situation of blacks who began to be hired as wage labor at the end of the 19th century.
(D) the creation of an impoverished rural social stratum, composed of former slaves, European immigrants and the unemployed -land that began to pressure the imperial government in the sense of carrying out agrarian reform.
(And) the replacement of the salaried work of the European immigrant by that of the ex-slave, favoring the coffee growers with a hand-to-hand less qualified but cheaper bra.

Question 06 - UNIFOR - 2006.1 - Law No. 531 of September 4, 1850 establishes measures for the repression of African trafficking in this Empire.
(...) art. 1st – Brazilian vessels found anywhere, and foreign vessels found in ports, coves, anchorages or territorial seas of Brazil, having slaves on board (...) or having disembarked them, will be seized by the authorities, or by ships of Brazilians, and considered as importers of slaves. (...) Eusébio de Queirós.
(Antonio Mendes Jr. et al. Brasil-História. Text and Consultation. Império. São Paulo:Brasiliense, 1977. p.276) With this law, Brazil made illegal the slave trade. They express the consequences of this law:
(A) the increase in the price of slaves, the incentive to immigration and the opposition of society to the abolitionist campaign.
(B) the fall in the price of slaves, coercive immigration laws and the release of capital dynamizing the Brazilian economy.
(C) the release of capital dynamizing the Brazilian economy, encouraging immigration and society's opposition to the abolitionist campaign.
(D) the adhesion of various sectors of the population to the abolitionist campaign, the incentive to immigration and the increase in the price of slaves.
(E) the adhesion of several sectors. of the population to the abolitionist campaign, the incentive to immigration and the aversion of the Brazilian to manual work.

Question 07 - UNIFOR 2010.1 - With the opening of ports in Brazil, in 1808, the entry of other free European immigrants was allowed in addition to the Portuguese, until then the only ones, alongside the slaves, who could settle in Brazil. The flow of free immigrants, however, was very small, as there were practically no jobs that could be offered to them. The urban functions (commerce, civil service and services in general) were carried out by the Portuguese and their descendants, while the agrarian-based economic activities were in charge of the slaves. This situation began to change in 1850, with the prohibition of the slave trade, through
(A) Lei Áurea.
(B) Eusébio de Queirós Law.
(C) Law of Immigration Quotas.
(D) Emigration Quotas Law.
(E) Free Womb Law.

Question 08 - UVA 2006.2 - The Euzébio de Queiroz Law referred to:
A. prohibition of the slave trade.
B. immediate freedom of blacks.
C. freedom of sexagenarians.
D. Italian immigration.

Question 09 - Machado de Assis Institute - Municipality of Paulistana-PI -
The Eusébio de Queirós Law of 1850 intended to:
A) Control the slave trade
B) Give freedom to the children of slaves born after that date
C) End the slave trade slave trader
D) Freedom for sexagenarian slaves
JUDGMENT 01 - C02 - A03 - A
04 - B
05 - A
06 - D
07 - B
08 - A
09 - C