Geographical Location Sipán, called Siec in the extinct Mochica language, is located in the northern part of the Peruvian coast, in the Lambayeque Valley, 35 kilometers east of the city of Chiclayo. This town, nestled in the Pomalca Cooperative, is reached by a paved road.
History of the archaeological find

The old Lord of Sipán Another intact tomb has been excavated on the south side of the pyramid, 6 m. deep, slightly smaller than the previous one. A skeleton, 54 gold objects and other ornaments made of copper and semi-precious stones were found. Among the gold objects, a necklace with the representation of 10 gold spiders, another with 10 felines, 10 rattles or "chalchalcas" and several nose rings stand out. He was buried alongside a young woman and a llama. He must have preceded the Lord of Sipán by two or three generations.
Ethnohistorical meaning of the Lord of Sipán The remains of the Lord of Sipán have taken us back approximately 1,700 years. The value of his jewelry and other artifacts found in his tomb is incalculable. But, much richer is having found it in his original tomb, because this will allow unraveling the way of life of the Mochicas, one of the great pre-Inca cultures. Due to his current importance, the Lord of Sipán has already been transferred to several places in the world. He was in Germany for his restoration and in the United States, he was from museum to museum to be observed, studied and admired. So that these visits have the solemnity of the case, he is accompanied by a decoration imposed by the Peruvian government, which means a current recognition of one of the great settlers of the past. The remains of the Lord of Sipán rest in the recently inaugurated (2002) Royal Tombs of Sipán Museum in Lambayeque, where a replica of his original tomb has been made.

JULIO VILLANUEVA SOTOMAYOR "Biographies -Lord of Sipán"