Tiradentes, nickname of Joaquim José da Silva Xavier (1746-1792), was one of the participants of the Inconfidência Mineira, a movement that aimed to proclaim the captaincy of Minhas Gerais as an independent Republic. Sentenced for treason, he received the death penalty by hanging, being hanged in 1792, on April 21, Tiradentes Day.
As he was an excellent communicator, Tiradentes had the ability to win over followers. In the search for more adhesions, Tiradentes traveled to Rio de Janeiro. At this time, however, the movement had been denounced by a participant and he hid at a friend's house, where he was found and arrested.
In prison he was pointed out by the other participants as the leader of the movement, although this was not true. Even so, he took full responsibility and managed to protect his companions.
The participants were sentenced to death, but their sentences were turned into exile. Only Tirantes was sentenced to death, because among the conspirators, he was the one with the lowest military rank.
History of Tiradentes
Tiradentes joined the movement called Inconfidência Mineira when he was military and had the rank of ensign. Because he was considered an excellent communicator, he was responsible for winning supporters for the revolutionary cause.
The movement of Inconfidência Mineira (or Conjuração Mineira) was articulated by contractors who feared the collection of debts, the Derrama. It was an act of the Portuguese government, where all those who had debts with the Crown had to settle their accounts or their assets would be confiscated.
In this way, the contractors who had debts with Portugal got together and sought a solution to prevent this action.
Thus, during the meetings, it was decided that the best way to avoid abuses of authority was to transform Minas Gerais into an independent republic from Portugal. It would not be anything new, because at that time Enlightenment ideas were circulating that preached equality between peoples. Likewise, the United States had managed to emancipate itself from England, in 1774, precisely because it refused to pay more taxes.
The group of conspirators was composed of the Minas aristocracy and among them there were colonels, poets and lawyers, who drew up plans to take control of the Captaincy of Minas Gerais and abolish the taxes imposed by the Portuguese crown.
In 1789, however, the movement was denounced by one of its members, Joaquim Silvério dos Reis. In return, he asked for forgiveness of his own debts and benefits for his family.
The authorities suspended the Derrama, began to persecute the participants and they were arrested and tried.
Tiradentes' assets were confiscated, his house burned and the land salted - making it unfit for cultivation -, a common punishment that the Portuguese Crown intended for those convicted of treason.
Tiradentes was sentenced for treason against the queen, sentenced to hang and executed on April 21, 1792, in Campo da Lampadosa, in Rio de Janeiro. In addition, he was dismembered and parts of his body exposed on the road that connected Rio de Janeiro to Minas Gerais.
Biography of Tiradentes
Tiradentes was born in Vila de São José, in Minas Gerais. Son of Domingos da Silva Santos, Portuguese, and Maria Antônia da Encarnação Xavier, Brazilian. In childhood he lost his mother and father and, therefore, he was raised in Vila Rica, current Ouro Preto (MG), by his godfather.
During his life he had several professions such as pulling teeth, but he was also a drover, merchant, miner and military.
Since, at that time, the dentist's profession was all about "drawing teeth", he ended up earning the nickname of "tiradentes".
April 21:Tiradentes Day
The 21st of April , the day of Tiradentes' execution, was instituted as the Inconfidência Day, popularly called Tiradentes Day and a national holiday.

Throughout history, the figure of Tiradentes has gained different interpretations.
Since the coup of the Republic on November 15, 1889, Tiradentes has been transformed into a national hero. After all, he was the perfect man to symbolize the fight against the monarchy that had just been overthrown.
Thus, the city where Tiradentes was born in Minas Gerais, Vila de São José, changed its name on December 3, 1889. In the following year, the Lampadosa field, where he had been executed, was named Praça Tiradentes. .
Later, on December 9, 1965, in the government of General Castelo Branco, he received the title of civic patron of the Brazilian nation.
During the period of the military government, Tiradentes was portrayed with a beard and long hair, in the likeness of Jesus Christ. Interestingly, he always wore the gallows around his neck in order to remember the price he paid for contesting the existing order.
Currently, the figure of Tiradentes as leader of the movement has been questioned by many scholars. He would have been appointed as the top leader of the revolt by the others involved, as they sought to get rid of his responsibilities.
Also read:Inconfidência Mineira
Bibliographic References
"Tiradentes" in Great Characters of Our History. São Paulo:Editora Abril.1969.
CARVALHO, José Murilo de - The Formation of Souls. The Imaginary of the Republic in Brazil. São Paulo:Companhia das Letras.1990.