Ancient history

Chronology. 800 to 1000

Another 200 years of world history spanning between 800 and 1000 AD. This gap is marked by the formation of various states. So, for example, a state was created in Ireland by the Normans, and the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms united into a single state of England. Also, after the division of the empire of Charlemagne, France, Germany and Italy began to form. During this period, Kievan Rus was also formed, as well as the Holy Roman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary. In addition, this period was marked by the baptism of Russia, the discovery of America by Eric the Red, and many other interesting events.

Ok. 800 Separation of Tunisia and Algeria from the Arab Caliphate

805 The liberation of Venice from the power of Byzantium

812 China introduces banknotes for the first time in the world

816-837 Babek's uprising against the Arab Caliphate

821 The Normans create a state in Ireland with Dublin as its capital

829 The unification of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms into a single state of England

840 The beginning of the internecine struggle between the sons of Louis the Pious - Lothair I, Louis the German and Charles the Bald

843 Treaty on the division of the empire of Charlemagne between his three grandsons. Charles the Bald receives France, Louis the German - Germany, Lothair I - Burgundy, Alsace, Lorraine and Northern Italy. The beginning of the formation of the German, Italian and French states

840-911 Strengthening of the Norman raids on France, Spain, Germany, England. Rollon, leader of the Normans, becomes Duke of Normandy and vassal of the King of France

864 Capture of Kyiv by Askold and Dir

871-899 (901) Alfred the Great was the first king of Wessex to use the title "King of England" in official documents

IX—XIII centuries The Khmer Empire (Chenla) is a feudal state that existed on the territory of Cambodia, Thailand and Laos (the capital is Angkor)

878 Wedmore Treaty. Formation of the “field of Danish law” in England

882 The capture by Prince Oleg of Smolensk, Lyubech and Kyiv. Kyiv becomes the capital of the state

886 Alfred the Great, King of England, captured London

907 Sea campaign of Prince Oleg to Constantinople

907-960 Political collapse of China

907-1125 Khitan State of Liao (China)

909-1171 Fatimid Ismaili Caliphate. Alid dynasty

912-945 The years of the reign of Prince Igor in Kievan Rus

923-935 The Tang Dynasty in China (the capital is Luoyang)

936-947 The Qin Dynasty in China (the capital is Kaifeng)

936-973 Reign of Holy Roman Emperor Otto I

945 The uprising of the Drevlyans and the murder of Prince Igor

945-960 The reign of Princess Olga

960-972 The reign of the Kyiv prince Svyatoslav Igorevich

960-1127 The Northern Song ("Fire") dynasty in China (the capital is Bianliang)

960-1279 Song Dynasty in China. Wars with the Khitans, Tanguts, Jurchens

962 King Otto I of Germany was crowned imperial in Rome by Pope John XII. Founding of the Holy Roman Empire

964-969 Prince Svyatoslav of Kyiv captured the key fortresses and the capital of the Jewish Khazaria - Itil

969 Conquest of Egypt by the Fatimids. Establishment of the Caliphate of Fagimidos

980-1000 Viking discovery by Erik the Red (Thorvaldson) and Gunbjorn Ulfson of Greenland and the northeast coast of North America.

987 The death of the last Carolingian king, Louis V. The election of Count Hugh Capet as king. Beginning of the Capetian dynasty

988 Baptism of Russia by Prince Vladimir

997-1000 Danish invasion of England

Ok. 1000 Formation of the Kingdom of Hungary