Assyria , kingdom Northern Mesopotamia , which became the center of one of the great empires of the ancient Middle East . It was in today's Northern Iraq and to the southeast the Turkey . A brief treatment of Assyria follows. For a full treatment see Mesopotamia, history of: The Rise of Assyria .

Assyria was during the largest Part of the 2nd millennium v . Chr . A dependency on Babylonia and later from Mitanni Kingdom . It originated in the 14th century v . Ch. As an independent state and subsequently became a major power in Mesopotamia, Armenia and sometimes in Northern Syria . Assyrian power increased after the death of Tukulti-Ninurta I ( approx. 1208 v. Ch. ) Ab . It was made in the 11th century v . Ch. From Tiglath Pileser I. briefly restored but in the period that followed both Assyria and its rivals were engaged in the Seminomadic incursions Arameans . Assyrian kings began in the 9th century v . Ch. A new expansion period and from the mid-8th to late 7th centuries v . Chr . A number of strong Assyrian kings - including Tiglath Pileser III , Sargon II , Sennacherib and Esarhaddon -. united most of the Middle East , from Egypt to Persian Gulf , under Assyrian rule. The last great Assyrian ruler was Ashurbanipal , but his last years and the time after his death in 627 v . Chr . Are dark. The state eventually became 612–609 v. From a Chaldean- median coalition destroyed . Famed for their ferocity and prowess in battle, the Assyrians were also monumental builders, such as archaeological sites in Nineveh , Ashur and Show Nimrūd .