Ancient history

6 Films about Hitler, the dictator of Nazism

The life of Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was the subject of numerous films. The themes vary:from the childhood of the dictator to the effects of Nazism on German and world society.

Discover here 6 films that tell details of the biography of one of the most controversial leaders in history.

1. The Triumph of the Will, ‎Leni Riefenstahl (1934)

"Triumph of the Will" is a documentary that was produced by Adolf Hitler himself and portrays the 6th Congress of the Nazi Party, held in Nuremberg, in 1934.

Directed by filmmaker and collaborator of the regime, Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003), the film shows the great Nazi concentrations, the fanaticism of the followers and the figure of Hitler as the undisputed leader. It is also a great example of how cinema was at the service of political propaganda.

See also:Causes of World War II

2. The Face of the Führer, Jack Kinney (1943)

Animated short film produced by Disney Studios. In this cartoon, Donald Duck dreams that he lives in a society dominated by Nazism, where the face of Adolf Hitler is present everywhere.

In this way, the character has to be constantly alert to give the Nazi salute and not be disrespectful to the Führer . Great to understand how Nazi propaganda conquered German society and the positioning of the United States in the conflict.

See also:Nazism

3. Hitler, a career, Joachim Fest &Christian Herrendoerfer (1977)

Written and co-directed by Hitler's leading biographer, German writer Joachim Fest (1926-2006), the film focuses on the dictator's childhood and youth.

Likewise, it covers the creation of the National Socialist party, its electoral rise, until its leadership in Germany.

The film questions how Hitler's radicalization was possible from the facts of his childhood and how his frustration was channeled to do evil. Includes excerpts from speeches by the main leaders and rallies of the Nazi Party.

See also:Adolf Hitler

4. Hitler – The Rise of Evil, Christian Duguay (2003)

Interesting miniseries that dramatizes the life of Adolf Hitler before he became a political leader. Thus, we follow how the frustrated artist and ex-soldier comes into contact with the ideas of his time such as communism and fascism.

The script goes over the main facts of his trajectory, such as the Munich Coup, or the elaboration of the book "My Struggle ", where Hitler exposed his anti-Semitic (against Jews) ideas. All this is set against the background of the period between the world wars (1918-1939) and Germany's growing political polarization.

See also:Weimar Republic

5. Operation Valkyrie, Bryan Singer (2008)

Starring Tom Cruise, the film narrates the planning and execution of an attempt on the life of Adolf Hitler, in the middle of World War II (1939-1945).

The script, based on real events, shows the physical decay of the dictator and how part of the Armed Forces did not agree with the course the conflict had taken.

See also:WWII

6. Thirteen Minutes, Oliver Hirschbiegel (2015)

The story of carpenter Georg Elser (1903-1945) who planned and committed an attempt to kill Hitler on November 8, 1939, in the city of Munich. The film depicts the planning, capture and detention of Georg Elser at the hands of the Gestapo.

Despite having failed, the feat is considered an act of heroism and the figure of Georg Elser is honored with a monument in Berlin.

See also:Beginning of World War II

There are more texts and movie suggestions for you :

  • 12 Movies About World War II
  • Films about the First World War
  • Questions about the Second World War
  • Consequences of World War II
  • Anti-Semitism

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