History quiz

Exercises on the Confederation of Ecuador - with feedback

Question 01 - FGV-SP 2000 - 1st phase -“The propagation of republican, anti-Portuguese and federative ideas (...) gained impetus with the presence in Recife of Cipriano Barata, coming from Europe, where he represented Bahia in the Cortes. It is important to emphasize (...) the role of the press in publishing criticisms and political proposals (...). The Andradas, who had passed into the opposition after D. Pedro's authoritarian measures, launched their attacks through O Tamoio; Cipriano Barata and Frei Caneca fought the centralized monarchy, respectively in Sentinela da Liberdade and in Tífis Pernambucano.”
(Boris Fausto, História do Brasil);
b) Cabanagem;
c) Balaiada;
d) Sabinada;
e) Confederation of Ecuador.

Question 02 - UniCesumar 2017 -“We are, yes, independent, but not constituted. We have not yet formed an imperial society, except in name. Brazil, just because of its separation from Portugal and the proclamation of its independence, became in fact independent not only as a whole, but also in each of its parts or provinces; and these are independent of each other. Brazil remained sovereign, not only as a whole, but in each of its parts or provinces.” Friar Mug. Political essays. Rio de Janeiro:Puc, 1976. The text, published in 1824, in the midst of the Confederation of Ecuador, can be interpreted as
(A) a critique of the political centralization of the Brazilian State and a defense of the autonomy of the provinces.
br />(B) a reaction to the localist revolts that took place in various parts of Brazil and tried to prevent national unity.
(C) a defense of Latin American unity and Brazilian political and military intervention in the Cisplatina Province.
(D) a proposal for a political understanding between the imperial government and the provincial governments.
(E) an attempt to bring the Brazilian imperial government and the Portuguese Courts closer together.

b>Question 03 - PUCRS 2000.1 - The Confederation of Ecuador (Pernambuco, 1824) was a regional movement of great importance in the political crisis of the First Kingdom. The Pernambuco movement became notably radicalized, including popular claims in the confrontation with imperial power. It is correct to say that this process of radicalization was conditioned
A) by the influence of the European labor movement, which was beginning to organize itself according to the revolutionary perspective of scientific socialism.
B) by the strengthening of the abolitionist movement in the region , due to the process of modernization of the sugarcane plantation, which was then taking place.
C) for the material support of Portuguese traders to the radical factions of the movement, aiming at the non-recognition of international independence.
D) for the leadership of European immigrants, who intended to change the land structure of the region, based on large estates.
E) due to the need of local dominant groups to mobilize the support of the popular strata to sustain the confrontation with the central power.

Question 04 - UVA 2005.2 - Regarding the Confederation of Ecuador, mark the incorrect alternative:
A. The revolt spread throughout the mining region, achieving political control of Minas Gerais and Goiás.
B. Among its main leaders was Frei Caneca.
C. The Confederation has provisionally adopted the constitutional model of Colombia.
D. It was suffocated by troops sent by the Emperor, in which the naval squadron of the mercenary Lord Cochrane participates.

Question 05 - IDECAN - 2016 - SEARH - RN - Constitution of 1824
“Art. 10. There are four political powers recognized by the Constitution of the Empire of Brazil:the Legislative Power, the Moderating Power, the Executive Power and the Judicial Power. Art. 11. The representatives of the Brazilian Nation are the Emperor and the General Assembly. Art. 12. All these Powers in the Empire of Brazil are delegations of the Nation.
[...]” (Available at:http://www.monarquia.org.br/pdfs/constituicaodoimperio.pdf.) In 1824, a revolutionary movement broke out in the Northeast - the Confederation of Ecuador, with a liberal, separatist and republican tendency, reacting against the monarchical centralism embodied in the Constitution granted in 1824. In general terms, the program of the Confederation of Ecuador advocated:A) The implementation of a government representative, which would guarantee the autonomy of the confederated provinces.
B) The censorship and reform of the 1824 Constitution and the establishment of an interim government in place of D. Pedro I.
C) The rupture of interprovincial trade and international status of the confederate provinces, which would establish customs unions.
D) The legal and political independence of each province involved in the conflict, which would each establish its own government.
Question 06 - UESPI 2011 - The political measures of D. Pedro I did not please the majority of the population. In Pernambuco, for example, the Confederation of Ecuador was articulated in 1824, which:A) denied the importance of liberalism, but planned the independence of Brazil. B) publicized the importance of his ideas in organs of the active press at the time. C) achieved the autonomy of the Northeast, thanks to the courage of the leader and soldier Cipriano Barata. D) had democratic principles, although it lacked military support to follow its actions. E) stimulated the slaves' rebellion, projecting the end of large estates and oligarchies.
01 - E
02 - A
03 - E
04 - A
05 - A06 - B