History quiz

Exercises on the Brazilian Independence Process - with feedback

Question 01 - FUVEST 2004 - Transfer – Among the factors that distinguished the process of Brazilian Independence, in the Latin American context, we can mention
a) the British interests, which clashed with the commercial restrictions imposed by the Iberian Metropolises.
b) the influence of Enlightenment ideals and the example of the struggle of the Thirteen Colonies against the domination of Great Britain.
c) the presence of the Portuguese Court in American lands, which spurred a set of decisive transformations for the colony separation.
d) the economic needs of the local elites, whose action was limited by the restrictions imposed by the colonial authorities.
e) the struggle for the self-determination of the peoples, in vogue at the beginning of the 19th century, and which propelled leaders like Simon Bolivar.

Question 02 - FPP 2018 - In the best-known interpretation of the History of Brazil, the date of September 7, 1822 represented a milestone, as, on that day, D. Pedro officially proclaimed the separation of the Colony from the Portuguese metropolis. Regarding the process of Independence of Brazil, mark the CORRECT alternative.
A) Relations between the Portuguese Crown and Brazil improved when Dom João VI, of Portugal, supported by the Portuguese Court, signed a decree granting the title of Regent from Brazil to his son Dom Pedro. However, taking advantage of the authority granted to him, on September 7, 1822, Dom Pedro politically broke with Portugal and proclaimed the Independence of Brazil.
B) Brazilian independence was a process led, largely , by the social sectors that most benefited from the rupture of colonial ties:the large landowners and the large merchants, since the separation aimed to preserve freedom of commerce and administrative autonomy. The majority of the population remained in the situation before the proclamation of Independence.
C) After the Independence process, the Brazilian economy became competitive in the international market, because due to the English economic support, Brazil began to develop industrial activity , which was prohibited by the metropolitan government.
D) The most significant change after the Independence of Brazil occurred in the economic-social sphere, because with economic development new urban social classes emerged linked to the industrial process.
E) England, interested in maintaining the commercial benefits guaranteed by the trade and navigation treaties of 1810, was the first nation to recognize the Independence of Brazil.

Question 03 - CEFET-MG - 2017 - Technician External and Subsequent Concomitance -
The process of independence in Brazil had as one of its main characteristics the unification of all the territories colonized by the Portuguese metropolis, unlike what happened in Spanish America. Among the elements that explain this unique characteristic, one can include, EXCEPT the
a) diffusion of Catholic religiosity.
b) the existence of slave labor in large estates.
c) the presence of the Lusitanian court on the American continent.
d) defense of the slave trade against international interference.

Question 04 - CEFET-MG - 2018 - Integrated Technician - The Brazilian ruling class was, for the most part, conservative (...). It wanted to maintain colonial economic and social structures based on the agricultural system, slavery and the export of tropical agricultural products to the European market. However, there were in the cities (...) some liberals who expected more profound changes in politics and society:popular sovereignty, democracy and even a republic.
(BETHELL, Leslie. Latin America. São Paulo:EDUSP, 2009. V. 3, p. 213.)
The acceptance of D. Pedro by the manorial elite, as leader of the Brazilian independence process, which erupted in 1822, aimed at the
/>a) keep our country under the tutelage of the Portuguese metropolis.
b) avoid more sudden changes in the social and political order.
c) defend the Republic as a system of government for the new country.
/>d) make it impossible to choose a monarchical regime after emancipation.

Question 05 - UECE-CEV - 2018 - SEDUC-CE - Professor - History - Regarding the process of Independence of Brazil, it can be correctly stated that
A) from the Liberal Revolution of Porto, which took place in 1820, a political campaign began in Portugal for the return of the King to that country and for the independence of the united kingdoms of Brazil and the Algarves.
B) the regency of Prince D. Pedro, and his reign as Pedro I, are marked by the maintenance of the hegemony of the landowners and the emptying of the republican ideal and federalism .
C) the participation of José Bonifácio de Andrada e Silva is restricted to the independence movement, since, being a republican, he defended the immediate establishment of the Republic in Brazil, in opposition to D. Pedro.
D ) the independence process was only successful due to popular support for D. Pedro, in opposition to the landowners who supported the recolonizing proposals made by the Constituent Courts of Portugal.

Question 06 - Evidence MPE-GO - 2018 - MPE-GO - Assistant Secretary - Water beautiful - Regarding the process of independence of Brazil, it is correct to say:
(A) the independence of Brazil is a process that extends from 1821 to 1850 and was marked by the absence of any opposition from the Kingdom of Portugal;
(B) officially, the date commemorated for Brazil's independence is September 7, 1822, when the so-called "Ipiranga cry" took place, an act of proclamation made by D. Pedro II. on the banks of the Ipiranga stream (present-day São Paulo);
(C) among the causes that triggered the process of independence in Brazil are:the will of a large part of the Brazilian political elite to conquer political autonomy; erosion of the system of economic control with restrictions and high taxes, exercised by the Portuguese Crown in Brazil with the Portuguese Crown's attempt to recolonize Brazil;
(D) the so-called "dia do fico" was an act after the independence of the Brazil in which
D. Pedro did not comply with the determinations made by the Portuguese Crown that demanded his return to Portugal. On January 9, 1822, D. Pedro denied the call and stated that he would stay in Brazil;
( E) after the independence of Brazil, D. Pedro I was crowned Emperor of Brazil in December 1821, and there were no records of Portuguese manifestations against the independence of Brazil.

Question 07 - UERJ 1997 - 1st Phase - History - How late are we? This is the time:Portugal insults us; America invites us; Europe contemplates us; the prince defends us. Citizens! let out the festive cry... Long live the Constitutional Emperor of Brazil, Mr. Pedro I. (Proclamation. Correio Extraordinário do Rio de Janeiro. September 21, 1822.)
This text shows the total and definitive rupture with the old metropolis as necessary for the construction of the Brazilian Empire. It also includes one of the factors that contributed to the process of building Brazil's independence.
This factor was:
(A) the help of European powers in terms of their economic interests
( B) the intransigence of the Lisbon Courts in accepting Brazilian liberties
(C) the republican ideal in line with that of the former Spanish colonies
(D) the separatist movement of the northern provinces in the process of union with Portugal

01 - C02 - B03 - A04 - B05 - B06 - C07 - B