History quiz

Exercises on the Independence of Haiti - with feedback

Question 01 - UNIFOR 2003.1 - Analyze the lyrics of the song that refers to one of the poorest countries in Central America, a former French colony, which was the precursor of independence in America in 1794-1806. "And it doesn't matter if the eyes of the whole world can be for a moment focused on the square where the slaves were punished and today a drumming a drumming with the purity of uniformed high school boys on parade days and the epic grandeur of a people in formation attracts us, dazzles us and stimulates.(...) Haiti is here, Haiti is not here."(Caetano Veloso – Haiti) The peculiar characteristic of the independence process in that country was(A) the emergence of the first independence movement carried out by initiative of a priest very close to the indigenous cause. (B) the defense of liberal ideals by the vast majority of the population, the institution of federalism and the populist republic. (C) the demand for greater autonomy, with prior consultation with the inhabitants before choosing the authorities (D) the liberal character of the Creole leadership, in the cities, which received support from the population of rural areas.(E) the massive participation of blacks, who defended freedom, equality and the right to land ownership.
Question 02 - CFO PMMG 2005 - Haiti's independence was considered peculiar in relation to other emancipation movements in Latin America because:A) it was articulated by a local elite that had the support of French liberals. B) it was conducted without major wars, but with profound changes in the forms of sociability of the lower classes. C) was articulated by black leaders and part of the white population was massacred during the emancipation uprising. D) was conducted by Creole leaders who already held administrative positions in the Casa de Contratación.
Question 03 - UFPR 2010 - The workforce used in the plantations that were established in the European colonies in America was formed mostly by slaves brought from Africa and their descendants. On the processes of independence in America and its relationship with the slavery of Africans and Afro-descendants, mark the correct alternative.a) The liberation of slaves in North America was the main motivator for the Independence of the Thirteen English Colonies. free black and mestizo Haitians armed themselves for the struggle and played a fundamental role in the uprisings against the French authorities that culminated in Haiti's independence and the abolition of slavery in that territory. c) The words Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, which became the motto of the French Revolution, were extended to its colonies and materialized when the revolutionary government of France simultaneously abolished slavery in all its territories in America, triggering the wars of independence. d) Only Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador carried out the abolition of slavery during their independence processes. e) Haiti and the Thirteen English Colonies declared their independence from the metropolises, respectively France and England, prohibiting the slave trade in the last decades of the 18th century.
Question 04 - PUC-SP 2018 - Haiti became independent from France in 1804, and Brazil emancipated itself from Portugal in 1822. Comparing the two independence processes, it is CORRECT to state that a) both movements were inspired by Enlightenment ideas and led by the urban middle classes, resulting in the liberation of the slaves. b) in Haiti, the leaders of the movement were the daily criollo landowners who maintained slavery, while in Brazil, independence was proclaimed by the slave and coffee elite. c) in Brazil, independence was proclaimed by the prince regent supported by the slave elite and, in Haiti, a revolt of free slaves and Afro-descendants brought about the abolition of slavery. d) they were movements supported militarily by the US and ended up implementing monarchies that maintained the land tenure structure and slavery.
Question 05 - UNICAMP 2017 - North American pastor Pat Robertson, owner of the Christian Broadcasting Network, said that the tragedy caused by the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010 was due to the “deal with the devil” that sectors of the Haitian population would have made so that the country become independent. In the Pastor's words, "The Haitians were under the yoke of France. They banded together and made a pact like the devil. They said, 'We will serve you if you free us from France.'" (Adapted from Haroldo Ceravolo Sereza, “American pastor attributes earthquake to 'pact with the Devil' and provokes protests; country freed itself from France in 1804”.Uol news. 14/01/2010. Available at https://noticias.uol .com.br/especiais/terremoto-haiti/ultnot/2010/01/14/ult9967u9.jhtm. Accessed on 08/30/2017.)
From reading the text and your knowledge, select the correct alternative. a) Haiti's independence was decisive for the Brazilian Empire, which was projecting the construction of an internationally recognized Nation-State, to repress movements such as the Malês Revolt, in Salvador (1835). b) The Pastor's statement is based on prejudices regarding the religious practices of Afro-descendants in Haiti. The spiritual conquest, part of the imperialist projects, guaranteed the elimination of religions considered to be pagan in the Americas. c) French colony in the Antilles, Saint Domingue became responsible for 40% of world cocoa production in the 18th century. The labor employed was mostly slave, with the exploitation of Africans or their descendants. d) The Haitian independence process was supported by other colonies, interrupting the European imperialist project in the New World. After 1804, the US carried out imperialist actions in America, becoming the main cultural reference in the continent.
REPORTS 01 - E02 - C03 - B04 - C05 - A