Ancient history

Art in Prehistory

Ancient peoples, before they knew writing, already produced works of art. Cavemen made beautiful figures on their walls, representing animals and people of the time, with hunting scenes and religious rites. They also made sculptures in wood, bones and stones; Scientists study these objects and paintings, and get to know how those ancient peoples lived.

In addition to the art of prehistoric peoples, primitive art is also considered to be that produced by the Indians and other peoples who lived in America before Columbus came. The Mayans, Aztecs and Incas represented pre-Columbian art. There are paintings, sculptures and wonderful temples, made of stones or precious materials, that tell us the history of these peoples.

At present, there is also primitive art:black Africans, who produce masks for rituals, sculptures and paintings; the natives of Oceania (Polynesia, Melanesia, etc.) also have primitive art with their own style; so, too, the American Indians produce primitive art objects that are highly prized among peoples today.