Ancient history

Magon Barca

Magon Barca, who died in 203 BC. AD in Liguria, was a Carthaginian general, member of the Barcid dynasty and brother of Hannibal Barca.

He takes part in the invasion of Italy with his brothers, submits Samnium and Bruttium and brings the news of the victory to Carthage. He is put at the head of a corps which is sent as reinforcements to Spain where the disputes between his brother and Hasdrubal Barca paralyze their action. He was beaten in 207 and 206 BC. J.-C., is locked up in Gadès and raises Spain against the Romans.

Beaten again, he goes to the Balearic Islands, where the town of Mahón retains its name, lands in Liguria but is mortally wounded in a battle when he is called back to Africa.

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