Ancient history


Neo-Nazism is a rescue of Nazi ideals applied to the present. In neo-Nazi ideology, nationalism, racism and xenophobia are found.

Neo-Nazism it is an ideology that rescues ideals and practices of German Nazism, applying it to the current context. Neo-Nazism emerged shortly after the Second World War and operated mainly underground. In recent decades, however, these ideals have managed to penetrate traditional politics. In Brazil, the biggest neo-Nazi foci are in the South and Southeast.

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Summary on Neo-Nazism

  • Neo-Nazism rescues Nazi ideals and applies them to the present.

  • The neo-Nazi ideology includes nationalism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, etc.

  • Neo-Nazi groups have been behind terrorist attacks in recent years.

  • In Brazil, most neo-Nazi cells are located in the South and Southeast regions.

Video Lesson on Neo-Nazism

What is neo-Nazism?

When we talk about neo-Nazism, we refer to an ideology that promotes the rescue of Nazi ideals and applies them to our reality. Neo-Nazism established itself shortly after the Second World War and seeks to camouflage itself behind a discourse that it adopts ideals nationalists and supremacists .

The defeat of Nazism in World War II did not mean the disappearance of this ideology. It continued to exist, although its adherents began to act underground, since the public manifestation of these ideals was prohibited. It is this perpetuation of post-World War II Nazi ideals that we understand as neo-Nazism.

At first, neo-Nazis acted only in undercover , meeting secretly and not expressing their positions publicly. However, in recent decades, experts on the subject have noted the infiltration of neo-Nazis in traditional politics, with conservative and nationalist discourse.

Europe has seen a growth of neo-Nazi groups in recent decades. Places like Eastern Europe have big movements of this ideology. Other countries such as Germany, France and Greece have also encountered problems with the growth of neo-Nazism. There were even political parties with neo-Nazi ideals case of Aurora Gold , from Greece.

In countries like the United States, legislation does not prevent neo-Nazis from speaking out publicly. In recent years, agglomerations of supporters have taken place in the country, such as the one in Charlottesvile, held on August 12, 2017. In the country, it is considered that political demonstration, even by such groups, fits as a right to freedom of expression.

As ​​neo-Nazi ideals are basically a rescue of Nazi ideals, in some cases an update is carried out to fit them in the context of each location. Among the basic characteristics of neo-Nazi ideology is the discourse nationalist, which condemns the entry of immigrants in a country . In European circumstances, this is mostly against Muslims and Africans. Therefore, this ideology has xenophobic postures.

Also, neo-Nazis believe in the false idea of ​​white racial superiority , known as racial supremacy. In this context, the white man is seen as “of Aryan race”, and groups such as Muslims, Africans, Latinos, Jews, among others, suffer discrimination. Therefore, anti-Semitism is still present.

Neo-Nazis also disseminate homophobic attitudes, are misogynists and have a long history of terrorist actions. In recent years, attacks have been carried out terrorists in countries such as Norway and New Zealand. Furthermore, neo-Nazism adherents are openly anti-communist and do not appreciate the democratic system.

Finally, neo-Nazis promote the exaltation of Adolf Hitler and various symbols of Nazism, in addition to being Holocaust deniers, claiming that the genocide of Jews during World War II never happened. . The neo-Nazis they claim that the Holocaust was a forgery and that there never was genocide from Jews during World War II.

This denialist stance is not supported by history, since there are numerous documents that prove the existence of the Holocaust. Among other evidences are official documents, images, videos, buildings, in addition to the testimony of survivors.

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Neonazism in Brazil

In Brazil, apology for Nazism is considered a crime for 7,716, of January 5, 1989. This law states in its article 20, item one, that “manufacture, commercialize, distribute or broadcast symbols, emblems, ornaments, badges or advertising that use the swastika or swastika, for the purpose of disseminating Nazism” is punishable by imprisonment from two to five years.

Still, there is considerable propagation of the Nazi ideal in our country. Recent research points to the existence of over 500 neo-Nazi cells in Brazil . The places with the highest concentration of these groups are Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro.

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Nazism was a political party created in Germany in 1920 under the name of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. This party emerged in a scenario of extreme political, social and economic crisis in Germany , as the country suffered the consequences of defeat in the First World War and the Treaty of Versailles.

Nazi ideology was inspired by movements of the German right and established itself as the great political movement of the extreme right in that country. This ideology had nationalist ideals, with xenophobic positions, was openly anti-Semitic and had an aggressive rhetoric against Jews. Over time, the anti-Semitic rhetoric of the Nazis turned into direct actions against these people, which resulted in the Holocaust.

Furthermore, Nazism was anti-liberal and contrary to democracies liberals that existed in Europe. It was racist, because there was prejudice not only against Jews, but against other groups, such as black people and gypsies. In addition, Nazism had supremacist ideals, exalted war and wanted to expand German territory by enslaving other peoples.

The big name of Nazism was Adolf Hitler , an Austrian who fought in World War I for the German army. After the war, he became a resentful person and used his great rhetorical skills to spread conspiracy theories. Adolf Hitler ruled Germany from 1933 to 1945.

The Nazis came to power in 1933. From there, they began the country's transition to a totalitarian dictatorship. Opposition groups, such as Social Democrats and Communists, began to be persecuted and imprisoned in concentration camps, and anti-Semitic legislation began to be passed. The result of the Nazis' anti-Semitism was the Holocaust, the genocide that claimed the lives of some 6 million Jews across the European continent. To learn more about it, read:Nazism.

Image credits

[1] Andriy Kananovych and Shutterstock

[2] Karolis Kavolelis and Shutterstock

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